Chapter Twenty-Two

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The Keane's men surrounded them immediately, swords pointed at them. Lancelot pushed Merlin to the middle of their group and stayed in front of him. Merlin accidentally bumped in Arthur who was standing beside him but Arthur didn't even glance at him.

Gwaine and Percival had stopped fighting with the giant and now they were right behind Merlin. The giant himself had walked in front of them all, a smug smile plastered on his face.

"Well, what a lovely sight," he said. "Now put your swords down or we'll kill every last one of you."

"You'll going to kill us anyway," Arthur commented. He was right. There were no reasons why they wouldn't kill everyone.

"Perhaps," the giant scratched his beard. "But I have a better idea." He fixed his gaze on Merlin. "I think my time with you Merlin, was too short. And it was so fun that I'm ready to do it again." The sick smile on his face made Merlin almost vomit. Fear of being again in that same cell with the giant crept under his skin. The warlock was already standing with shaking legs and trying not to fall on the ground and sleep for the next decade.

"I'm not allowing that," Arthur angrily stated. His features had gone stiff and he had taken a firm grip of Merlin's dirty sleeve.

"But I'm not asking for your permission," after speaking, he nodded to the knights beside him. Unspoken order made them attack. Clanging from their swords filled the air once again. Merlin was almost crushed in the middle when others tried to fight against clear superiority.

Merlin watched in horror as Arthur was battling with five men. After he had beaten one of them, three more attacked him. The fairness of these fights was under zero. But still, Arthur wasn't giving up. None of them were. Bravery in a lost battle is one of the qualities of a great knight. The knights of Camelot and Merlin's knights had proven their honour by continuing to fight even when the odds weren't in their favour. And their skills were enough to take down more than a few of the Keane's knights.

The giant sensed their power. He jumped into the fight with Arthur and managed to take off his sword with the help of the others fighting him.

The Keane's knights took hold of the king while the giant brought his sword's tip under Arthur's jaw.

"Everyone stop!" The giant parked his command. "Stop or he'll die right now!"

Silence descended. Merlin heard his heartbeat beating in his ear. Rapid breaths left his chest while he watched the tip on Arthur's throat.

"Drop your swords! Now!" He yelled. This time they did obey. And immediately after their weapons were on the floor, everyone had at least three of the Keane's knights pointing swords at them.

Except for Merlin, who was left alone. He wasn't counted as a threat.

"This ends now," the giant murmured.

No, it will not. Merlin looked at his hands. These shackles were the only thing between Merlin and his magic. But now he realised that whoever made them, couldn't be more powerful than Merlin. Because there were those who said that his the greatest sorcerer ever to walk the Earth. And the druids called him Emrys, who was destined to protect the once and future king and help him to build the land of Albion. And not to forget that he was also the last dragonlord.

Merlin's father Balinor had always told him how important his future was going to be and how great king he would one day make. That was the reason Keane had been so bitter and jealous. Their whole childhood, Merlin had been the one in the spotlight even though he hadn't asked for it. And Keane, who hasn't any magic, was always in the background.

Merlin could do this.

He whispered the words in an ancient language while looking at the shackles.

But nothing happened.

The giant swayed his sword away from Arthur, preparing for the final blow.

Last chance.

Merlin closed his eyes, squeezed his hands into fists, and yelled the words in an ancient language.

The whole castle shook beneath their feet. Merlin's shackles broke into million pieces with a loud crack.

Opening his eyes, he saw that all eyes were on him. Keane's knights were looking at him with fear in their eyes, Lancelot on his left was smiling like his other friends, the giant stared in disbelief and terror but Merlin was concentrating only to Arthur. He had heard of Merlin's magic but this was the first time he actually witnessed it. Arthur watched Merlin with astonished expression. He wasn't smiling like he usually was when he looked at Merlin.

Merlin didn't want anything more than the approval from his friend.

The giant beside Arthur, tried desperately swinging his sword but Merlin stopped him easily. One flash of gold in his eyes made the giant flew across the throne room away from Arthur.

Another flash made Keane's knights fall to the ground.

Now they were finally safe and with that thought Merlin sink on his trembling knees. He was falling to the floor but before that, everything went black.

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