Let the Games Begin

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Chapter Four

My eyes shoot open as I wake up the next morning, beside me is a white wooden stair rail, what happened? I notice my body is nude and also that I am laying on top of what appears to beBryanstaring wide eyed at me.

“Did we have sex on the stairs?” He asks yawning.

“Yea I think we did.” I say still on top of him

“Damn that’s hot!” he says smirking as I roll off him and slip up the stairs quickly into my room. I glance at a photo from our freshman year Bryan, Jessica and I are at the local carnival Bryan’s stepdad hosts every July, we’d be going back to the city to later in the summer to attend. This time, however, to attend without Lauren. The photo allowed a little guilt to enter my insides, making my stomach churn. I wrap a towel around my body and go down the hall shaking the guilt away. I sneak into Bryan’s room; he stays in the master bedroom which has its own personal bathroom which also has the best shower in the house. I sneak in and pass the bed and run into the bathroom, and SMACK!! I land on the floor dropping my towel.

“Ow!” I rub the bridge of my nose as I sit up from the floor.

“God Jess, where’d you come from?” Brian says kneeling to my level as I rub my forehead as well.

“I wanted to use you’re shower.” I grab my towel and place it around my body again.

“You still can, how would you like some company though?” He says smiling at me.

“I’d love that.” I say as he kisses my cheek.


The hot water falls onto my head asBryanhugs my waist. His shower is large with a square walk in with glass sliding doors the shower head built into the ceiling so it falls like actual rain; his bathroom is huge… along with some other things (wink wink).

“You’re so beautiful Jessica.” He says, sending the chills through me making me smile very hard.

“And you’re so amazingly gorgeous!” I say turning around embracing him in a passionate kiss. The water falling on my bare skin as Bryan and I stare at each other. His eyes lock with mine he opens his mouth to speak but we hear the doorbell throughout the house. Damn! We break apart and quickly finish our shower. We both finish our shower and get dressed, I throw on some leggings, my UCLA sweatshirt and Toms shoes heading down stairsBryanfollowing, he’s wearing his gray Hollister sweatpants and a white V neck. Our wet hair clings and sticks to our faces as we bound down the stairs. I could never walk on these stairs without thinking of our ‘hot’ encounter. I make it down the stairs first and answer the door only to be faced with dummy.

“Oh, d-Veronica, hi.” I mutter in an evil tone, almost calling her dummy.

“Jessica! HI!” she hugs me as overdoing the fake actBryanmakes it down the stairs!

“Oh hey, didn’t know you were coming over.”Bryansays smoothly as she hugs him too. In all honestly dummy wouldn’t be so bad if she knew how to keep her DAMN hands to herself.

“Oh looks like you too just got out the shower how sexy, interested in a threesome?” my eyes bug from there socketsBryan’s expression pretty similar.

“Chill you prudes I was only joking.” She says smiling, “Anyway I got a little worried, you both disappeared and the police showed up, I was scared you were both taken to jail, of course we got away.” She says proudly.

“We interrupted our shower for this!” I mumble,Bryandoes not hear but dummy does, she glares.

“Want to watch a movie?”Bryanasks oblivious to our little game.

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