Stories Untold

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Chapter Twelve


"You're so amazing!" She says as I walk into the house. I drop my groceries on the floor as I see Rosalina on all fours and Bryan beneath her.

"Oh uh hey babe." His eyes suddenly widen after he realizes his disposition. "NOT what it looks like baby." He says getting up very quickly and scrambling to retrieve all the fallen food items.

"Of course it's not." My mind was a whirlwind, lately all of his time was spent with this Rosalina girl and it was truly driving me insane.

Lately, most of my days were spent sun tanning, shopping, and hanging out with Kyle. There was something off about Kyle but I couldn't stop hanging out with him, I think it was because of Bryan was ignoring me or maybe I just needed make attention. All I know is I can't stop, I want him. I find myself sudden putting away all the groceries and cleaning the kitchen as Rosalina and Bryan loudly whisper where I still cannot hear them. My daydreams are iediately interrupted when my cell phone rings. Jules face flashes across the screen as the phone prompts me to swipe and answer his call. I wait until the last second and finally answer it.

"Hi." My phone sounds foreign to my ears, it's dry and raspy. I clear my throat and wait for him to respond.

"Baby, what's going on? You sound sad." His voice is full of sarcastic concern, I'm not sure which I should believe more.

"Coming over a cold." I lie.

"Bullshit Jess, I was just with you yesterday and you were fine." My hand flies up to my mouth and I realized my scheme is discovered.

"It's just..." I stop speaking, there is no way in hell I could explain the truth with the whole twisted and demented side of me. "I just need some... Sex." I whisper the last word remembering Bryan was still in the house. He laughs, his slaughter fills my wars making me smile a little bit harder.

"Oh really? Are you sure you're ready for all this?" He asks chuckling.

"Shut up Kyle!" I say and Bryan walks back into the kitchen. "Well maybe I..." I stop as Bryan wraps his arms around my back and embraces me.

"I'll call you back." I Hang and keep pressing down on the screen to make sure the call is over before I speak. I abruptly turn around shaking Bryan off my back.

"What babe?" He asks his tone half lost and half knowing of what's going to come next.

"Don't fucking touch me." I hiss.

"Baby it's not what it looks like." His arms immediately tighten on my body. "I can't tell you what's going on but I need you to trust me okay."

"Bryan, all you've done us lie. Why should I trust you now? He'll our entire relationship is a lie! And you're okay with it." With all the strength I can gather I release myself from his grasp. I pivot on my heels so I can face him, I'm not sure why I'm getting so angry but I can feel my blood beginning to rush to my head. My mouth opens ready to senselessly tell at him but I am stopped by a voice.

"You're so hot when you're angry." I look up surprised to see Rosalina standing in the doorway her body leaning on the frame.

"Don't test me! I am not in the mood for sarcasm!" I sneer at her my anger gradually getting worse.

"I'm not being sarcastic!" She says throwing her arms up in defense. "I've always liked you, you're so hot Jessica!" I calm down for a second trying to figure out what's going on here, if she thinks I'm hot then that just me.... OH!

"Are you?" Im suddenly nervous as I prepare myself to ask the question. I was used to getting attention especially if someone liked me even if it was a lesbian but never a hot lesbian. It was always the weirdos who would secretly obsess over me in high school. Don't get me wrong. I'm straight but Rosalina is beautiful.

"Lesbian." She says smiling. "It's okay, I'm not ashamed." She giggles as she skips over to us. Everything she does is suddenly much more obvious than before, the way her giggle is, how her chest bounces up and down as she comes over to us, and even her tone becomes for intimate. Her beautiful flowing hair, her thick Mexican accent, everything about her suddenly much more intriguing.

"Uh you okay?" Bryan asks breaking my trance. They are both staring at me, Bryan. With a smug grin and Rosa with a face that says fuck me. My cheeks suddenly turn crimson feel so stupid!

"Oh." I say looking down and running out the room. I flop down on my bed, what is going on with my life. All this drama should have been left at graduation. The thoughts of how frustrating my current situation is flows through my head. My phone buzzes, I sigh heavily and pick up the phone.

“I miss you!” the voice screeches.

“Oh okay.” I say irritated.

“Stop!” Lauren says laughing thinking I’m joking when I’m as serious as a heart attack.

“NO seriously, I’m tired of being talked about behind my back, stop hiding and just say what you have to say to my face.” I hear my own voice start to quiver. “You said you were my best friend.” the tears began to fall.

“Look it’s not like that.” she says finally after a long pause.

“You have lied to me Lauren and now you will pay.”  

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