Deathly Deception

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 Chapter Ten

"Who are you?" I ask staring at the pitiful looking Mexican girl with smeared makeup.

"I'm Rosalina." She says extending her arm. I don't shake her hand.

"Honey you didn't tell me you were having company!" I tell up the stairs to Bryan. He immediately comes down dressed in black basketball shorts a white V-neck T-shirt.

"Sorry babe." He says pulling me into a hug. His whole aura has changed since earlier. He's almost his usual, care free adorable self!

"It's fine." I say hugging him back and embracing him in a deep kiss. He deepens. It grabbing my hair so roughly, I can feel the pent up sexual tension in his hands. He goes for my shirt but is interrupted.

"Damn you guys are hot!" Rosalina says smiling.

" Sorry." Bryan says smiling at me.

"Don't be! I'm happy for you!" She smiles, something about her is a little off. She looks at me and re stretches her arm.

"Rosalina Sanchez." She looks at me as if I'm a piece a meat. This time I shake her hand. "You must be Jessica; Bryan told me so much about you in the car ride here. You are just as beautiful in person." She says touching my thighs as we sit on the couch next to each other. 

"I invited Ron and Kyle over." Bryan says breaking the awkward silence as he sits beside me pulling me onto his lap noticing my uncomforted expression.

"Do you have anything I could maybe borrow, this dress is so uncomfortable." She says pointing down at her outfit.

"Sure." I say a little weirded out by her forwardness.

"That’s fine" I say to Bryan.

"Oh um yea cool." He says kind of distant sounding.

I go upstairs with Rosalina trailing me. She's watching me and our surroundings very intently. Something about this girl is giving me a really bad feeling. Why does Bryan always have to pick up these random charity projects. I hated how he tried to hard to help other when he need to help himself, he was destroying himself and I could tell.

"Such a beautiful house." She says in her heavy Spanish accent.

"Thanks. Here's my room." I open the door and she steps in.

"I grab you a tank top and some shorts." She's staring at all my high school pictures I have everywhere. 

"You love him don't you?" I am completely taken off guard by this, look at her, and I don't say anything.

"Who is he girl?" She asks pointing at Lauren.

"Lauren, his girlfriend" I mumble. She takes in my expression and decides not to ask any more questions.

"Thanks." She says taking the clothes and changing right in front of me. Her boobs are huge and she has curves out of this world.

"Like what you see?" She asks doing a little dance. I look away shocked a blush warming up my face. I get a very weird feeling that in deny as attraction to her, I just laugh. I wasn’t ever intimidated, I mean I even experimented with a girl before.

“Let’s go.” I say leaving my room and shutting the door. By the time we make it back downstairs dummy and Kyle are just entering the door. Roslina stops dead in her tracks and just stares are Veronica.

“Sanchez.” The big dummy hisses sneering at Rosalina.

“Jackson.” Rosalina says in a completely new demeanor.

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