So, she devised a plan to find out.

After class, Chiaki approached Mikan.

"Mikan, could I uh, talk to you? You know, without anyone around?" Chiaki asked. Hoping Mikan would say yes.

"U-uhm.. okay. I-I don't really have anywhere to be s-so.." Mikan knew what was happening, and she was willing to let it happen. She needed answers.

Once back to Chiaki's dorm, Chiaki locked her door and closed all of the curtains.

"What were you doing in that backyard last night?" Chiaki kept her pocket knife where it wasn't visible. "I'm willing to be completely honest if you are."

"U-uhm.. I-it's a funny s-story.." Mikan lied. "I-um, I lost my d-dog."

Chiaki made sure her knife was visible. "You don't even have a dog. Why would you lie?"

"B-because I can't t-tell you that I-I was about to drug h-him to death!" Mikan blurted out. Just after saying this, she panicked. Now Chiaki knew what she did.

A soft smile appeared on Chiaki's face.

(A/N: insane women,,)

"Oh, so it was you! So you just started huh?" Chiaki came closer to Mikan. Their faces were really close together. "I've seen your work. Let me tell you, I'm a fan!"

"Huh?" Mikan seemed surprised.

"Have you seen what I've done? It's usually messy, but they're never breathing when I'm finished so," Chiaki rambled, backing away from Mikan.

"Hey.. why do you kill specific people? You've gotten to a bunch of my targets before I could.." Chiaki's smile faded back to her normal bored expression.

"Huh? Specific people..?" Mikan giggled. "I kill whoever I want."

"Oooh, so you're the 'I just kill people cause I want to' type girl?" Chiaki pressed her hands together.

"It's just really, really, nice. When you see them slowly start to deteriorate.. then they collapse. I've just ended their whole world.." Mikan seemed to drool.

"Wow, you're insane."

"Sure, but so are you."

"Yeah, that's fair." Chiaki held her pocket knife in her left hand. "Let's form a pact."

"Okay. But, why do you kill people?"

Chiaki giggled. "For Hajime." Chiaki cut the tip of her middle finger and it bled a little.

She handed the knife to Mikan, and Mikan did the same. They shook hands, and the pact was sealed. Anything they talked about here would never reach anyone else's ears, and they couldn't kill each other. (Or maybe they summoned something, I dunno how blood pacts work.)

The next day at school, both of the girls wore a bandaid on their middle fingers. Chiaki's excuse was a paper cut, and Mikan's excuse was that she accidentally cut herself while cooking. To everyone else it was just coincidence.

Plus, the two of them seemed closer.

"Mikan! I forgot my lunch today." Chiaki exclaimed, approaching Mikan and her friends.

"I-I know." Mikan handed Chiaki an extra lunchbox.

"Thank you, Mikan!" Chiaki knew that it wasn't too professional, but Mikan's lunches tasted good. But Chiaki killed people. She wasn't too professional as it was. She shrugged it off. Mikan's lunches were to kill for. Literally.

That night, Chiaki and Mikan met up in an alley.

"How's it going, Mikan?" Chiaki asked, wiping some blood of of her knife.

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