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Nico is in a new town, investigating his mother's relationship with an abysmal resident of Mystic Falls — when he gets weirdly involved with the two most infamous brothers of the town's past.


'Gods kill me already.'

Nico couldn't honestly believe that he had decided to come to the god(s) forsaken town that was Mystic Falls. The place was a bloody beacon for pretty much everything that wanted to kill him. On the way into town, he had to fight off about three demonic giant eagles that were tryna sweep him off his feet; touching, really.

He had heard of the town, mostly in passing, when he was in the fields of asphodel. A few souls would scarcely mutter about the weird goings on, one had mentioned the vicious and bloodthirsty wolves that would roam about freely, seeking unsuspecting victims in the woods. There was this one kid that kept sorrowfully mumbling apologies to his absent siblings about how he shouldn't have gone out with his brother on the full moon against their parent's wishes. Wink, wink.

But Nico had always deluded himself, his rational brain supplying the fact that they could have been deranged. It is the fields of asphodel after all, 'probably died to a mountain lion or somethin'.

One thing that was definitely noteworthy, was the abundance of ghosts that lurked round every damned corner.

Father almighty.

He had tried not to make eye contact by keeping his eyes down, focused on the smooth concrete pavement, consciously making an effort of walking through them and feeling that awkwardly cold shiver go down his spine.

He had had observed that a majority of the ghosts were weird assortments of different supernatural species, some were actual wolves, this confused him greatly as animals can't become ghosts and have no consciousness to leave behind. Some could see through his guise, the occasional blessed human/legacy child - he could remember the absolute shock he felt when he came across a ghost that had the mark of Hecate tattooed upon her neck. It was as if she were apart of some sort of gang which reacquired this tattoo as initiation for recruits.

What Nico also found odd was that the ghosts were unevenly distributed across the different areas.

Per esempio, whilst passing this one house, he took note of the gathered dozen of female deceased that watched over the home and it's residents. They were very intent with following this one teenage girl that he could only have guessed, lived there, whom (of course) was oblivious to their existence despite their obvious ancestral connection - they looked uncannily similar to one another.

The teen girl was dark skinned and had black, neatly curled hair. She wore these skinny jeans and a nice fit sweater, along with a pair of these ankle length boots. Nico couldn't detect what she was but could only assume that they weren't your typical run of mortals, based on the feel of the mist around the house, the mist was thinner than normal.

One could only assume that they would at least be gifted in seeing through the mist.

As Nico looked at them, he had momentarily wondered what it would be like having such a compassionate and doting family, one that watched over you, even after death. He'd imagine that his death would grant him no difference to his current life; he'd probably just be wondering the halls of the underworld for the next eternity, cursed under the watchful eyes of his step-mother, a slave to his father's work in the underworld.


After another hour-or-so of randomly having walked to different areas of the quaint little town, Nico decided to retire the well spent afternoon at some cliché American diner restaurant that he had found whilst going through the town square.

Young Gods [Nico Di Angelo x The Vampire Diaries]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora