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"Lisa, Hanbin's looki-"

Hanbin moved Rosé to the side and walked straight into Lisa's room where she was busy working in her laptop.

"Sure, come on in."

"Thanks." Hanbin grinned and sat on the bed next to Lisa. Rosé was still by the door trying to figure out what the hell was happening. "Why the fuck weren't you answering your phone, dude?"

"What are you talking about? I have it right here," She showed him her phone, "I've been texting Jennie and I don't have any missed call from you in it."

"Well, I've been calling you." He took the MacBook from Lisa's lap.

"Hey!" She pointed her finger at him, "I was working in that."

"Right now, we have better things to do. Get dressed, wear something nice."

"Uh...You do know I'm kinda dating Jennie and I'm super gay."

"I'm not taking you on a date you idiot, and disappointing, you guys should get married already. Anyway, we have somewhere to be. You're gonna fall off your ass once you see where we're going."

"Dude, I'm making some mixes for the club and I really don't wanna leave my bed." She sounded like a five-year-old but she didn't care. She was comfy in her bed, working and texting Jennie.

"For fuck's sake, get up." He yanked her Lisa's legs making her fall off the bed.

"The fuck!"

"Get dressed, I'll wait for you outside. Oh, and pack your laptop, you'll need it." With that, he walked out of the room leaving Lisa and Rosé looking at each other.

"What the hell is his problem?" Lisa asked her cousin from where she was on the floor.

"I have no idea what's going on but it could be important so get dressed." She closed the door and walked into her room.

Twenty minutes of Lisa getting dressed, packing her laptop and rubbing the sore spot in her ass later. She walked out to find Hanbin flipping through the channels in the tv. "I'm ready."

They got inside Hanbin's car and he drove for 40 minutes until they reached their destination. Getting out of the car, Lisa couldn't believe where they were.

Her jaw was literally on the floor, she turned to Hanbin and started hitting him in the arm. "Holy fuck, dude! Are you serious?"

"Stop it, your bony hands hurt." He rubbed his arm for a few seconds before he answered Lisa's question. "And yes, I'm serious, now let's get inside."


Rosé received a call not long after Lisa left the apartment, thinking it was her girlfriend she didn't even bother to check the caller id.

Hearing the voice at the other end she really regretted her decision. She didn't expect her grandfather to call her. Well if she was honest, she did, but she thought they were going to do it sooner. After two weeks of no contact, Rosé was starting to relax about them and everything that happened on Christmas eve. She was right about everything she said to them, every single word, but she still felt awful.

Focusing on her grandfather's voice, she heard him asking her if they could meet that same day. Having no excuse, Rosé said yes and after the plans were made for that afternoon. She hung up the phone.

Checking the address for the third time, just to make sure she was in the right place. She walked to the host who led her to the table where her grandparents were already waiting for her.

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