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"You're so fucking lucky I'm fucking drunk right now." Lisa growled when she passed by Jisoo's side at their apartment. Why the fuck did she had to follow Jisoo's stupid advice.

"Lisa...What happened?" They had the living room for themselves since Jennie was taking a shower.

"She fucking happened, you're fucking words happened! She doesn't like me as you said."

"What are you talking about, baby?"

"Jisoo told me last night that Jennie liked me, that that was why she had been acting like a bitch to me but apparently she doesn't know her best friend as good as she thought, do you?"

"Why would you say something like that Jisoo?!." Rosé hit her in the arm.

"Ow, I did it because she does like her, Rosie. That's not important right now, what the hell are you talking about, Lisa?"

"She almost fucked another dude! She doesn't fucking like me!"

In that moment Jennie exited the shower, making everyone go silent. The three of them hoping she hadn't heard any of their words.

"I'm going to take a shower." Lisa walked to the bathroom almost running into Jennie but dodging her on the last second.

She pressed her back against the door and placed her head in her hands, rubbing hard her eyes.

"Fuck!" She threw a punch at the wall. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." She kept punching and punching the wall, each time harder than the last one, letting the tears she had stopped since the club thing had happened fall free.

"Baby, you okay?" Rosé asked through the door and Lisa stopped punching the wall.

"Uh, yeah. Just..." She looked around the bathroom until her gaze stopped at her toothbrush. "My toothbrush... it almost fell into the bathroom."

"Are you sure?"

She sniffled. "Yeah don't worry."

"I brought your clothes."

Lisa wiped her eyes and opened the door. "Thanks, go to sleep, Rosie."

"Goodnight, baby."


Jennie was waiting for Lisa in bed, but Lisa had no intention to go in there and face her. She bunched her dirty clothes and used them as a pillow when she laid on the couch. It was so uncomfortable but it was better than being in the same room as Jennie.

She couldn't sleep all night, she kept replaying Jennie's actions and words of the night. She couldn't believe how dumb she had been to think that Jennie had feelings for her.

The rest of the night went just like that, she thought the same thing over and over again until it was clear outside.

She usually would've stayed in bed all day on a Sunday but today it wasn't like that, not even her hungover stopped her from getting up. At 6 am she was up and having some cereal for breakfast and when she finished, she got out of the apartment.

Lisa had no idea where to go, she just wanted to be as far away from Jennie as possible.

She walked mindlessly around for what felt like hours, her phone ringing and ringing every 5 minutes or so. She finally stopped at a park and sat on the bench. Her phone started ringing for like the hundredth time that morning. Another call from Rosé.

She sent a quick message telling her she was okay and that she will be home later that day.

She stayed on the same bench for a couple of hours, just watching people pass by. Trying not to think about anything.

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