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So, okay, I know I promised only one update for today but suddenly in the middle of studying. It was announced that our exam got cancelled. So yeah, here I am. 


The days went by and it was Rosé's turn to be alone, neither Lisa nor Jisoo had answered any of her texts and she knew and understood their reasons. They had every right to be mad at her, she said it in most of her messages to them but she wanted the opportunity to say it to their faces.

As soon as Lisa found that Rosé was back at their apartment. She asked the Kims if she could stay at their house a couple of extra days, of course, they absolutely said yes. Ji-yong even making a few sly comments saying she could stay there forever.

And Jisoo, well, Jisoo wanted to run at her arms the moment she got one of the many 'I'm sorry" messages but after a talk with Lisa and Jennie, she decided to wait. She loved Rosé but she had hurt her by not standing up for them, for her. So, she needed for Rosé to think about everything. To suffer a little of what she suffered thanks to her actions.

Lisa and Jisoo knew Rosé was hurting because of the shit her grandparents said about her parents and her, but they both needed her to think what she did wrong.

The apartment looked homey thanks to Lisa's decorations but it felt cold because Lisa wasn't there. She was what made it feel like home, most of her nights were spent at the couch since she couldn't sleep but once she got tired. She moved her pity party to Lisa's room and she didn't had Lisa but at least she had all the pictures in the room and her smell in the bed covers.

It was weird being in that room without seeing Lisa hunched over her desk working on her laptop or just lying in bed.

Deciding not to sulk anymore— in the end it was her fault she was going through all of this —she went to Jisoo's apartment. It was Saturday and she had to be there, unless she was at her parents' house since it was New Year's Eve. She hadn't thought about it until now that she was standing at the door, knocking and waiting for it to be opened.

Having no luck there and not knowing where Jisoo's parents house was, she decided to go to Jennie's house instead. She couldn't stand another day without Lisa and Jisoo. She had to talk to them and apologize and get on her knees if it was needed.

She got there and pushed the intercom button, a voice she didn't recognize asked her who she was and what she needed. After answering the questions and a long time waiting, she was buzzed in.

Walking inside Rosé saw Jisoo's car parked next to the Kims' SUV's, apparently, her luck wasn't that bad.

When Laura— one of the service girls working for the Kims — told them who was at the gate Lisa and Jisoo started an argument, both giving their reasons of why they could and couldn't let her in. Lisa just didn't want to see her or have a talk with her, especially at a house that wasn't hers. Jisoo on her part, wanted to see Rosé and hugged her so bad but she also wanted to hear what Rosé had to say for herself and not via text message.

Jennie told both of them that they needed to talk to Rosé and then decide if they wanted to forgive her or not. She told them they could use the other house since no one was there, so they moved the party to Alexander's house.

Rosé was really nervous when she walked towards the door but the walk to Alexander's house calmed her down a little bit. It wasn't a long walk but it helps.

When she got there, she knocked the door three times before it was opened by Jennie— Lisa asked her to be there too — who guided her to the living room where Lisa and Jisoo were waiting for them.

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