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Lisa was distracted all her shift after Jennie's father dropped her off at her job, she still didn't know what to do. Part of her wanted to be there for Jennie and the baby and the other part wanted to run away from the country— the continent even —and never look back.

Like Ji-yong had said, Jennie wasn't making it easy for her, sure they had a good time the night of the party; probably because they were drunk. But the sober Jennie was indeed a pain in the ass, her only consolation was that Jennie's parents were nice people, or at least Ji-yong was, she still needed to meet her mom.

She dreaded going home that night, she knew she needed to talk to Rosé about what had happened and she was sure Rosé was going to end up forcing her to go to the hospital. She had asked her to respect her decision of staying away from the situation but knowing Rosé it was just a matter of time for her to mention something about it.

When she got home, Rosé was nowhere to be found, it was weird since Rosé always went straight home from work; no detours no nothing. She took her phone out of her jeans and was about to call her cousin when said girl walked through the door with a giant smile on her lips.

"Are you high?"

"High on love Lis." She sighed and plopped on the couch next to her cousin.

"Okay definitely high. What the fuck is going on dude?."

"Jisoo." She dreamingly. "She came by the shop and we got to talk."


"Oh, well uh Jennie told everything to her; that we're not rich and all that. She was mad at first because I lied to her but when I got to tell her our reasons she understood. She's really down to earth Lis, she asked me out but we're working on the day because on weekdays she has school and work, her only free day is on Sunday. You hear that right Lis, she works."

Lisa scrunched her face. "We work too."

"I know, but like, she doesn't have to; her parents are filthy rich. But still, she works, she said she doesn't mind that what we told her about our families were lies, that she feels something for me and she wants to see where this goes."

Lisa looked intently at her cousin, it was the first time she saw this light in her eyes, this excitement about what was in store for her. She felt happy for her, she really was but she couldn't help the need to look out of her. "Just be careful okay Rosie. I don't want you to get hurt and I definitely want to talk to her before you go on that date."

"I will Lis, don't worry and I'll tell her once we set a day." Lisa nodded and smiled. "How was your day baby?"

"Um, eventful." She chuckled nervously.

"How come?" Rosé tilted her head to look at her cousin.

"You will never guess who came to see me."


"Jennie's father." Rosé gasped and raised her eyebrows. "I'm not even shitting you. He went all mafia with me when I was leaving the restaurant."

"What do you mean 'all mafia'? What did he do to you?" She started checking Lisa's body for any injury.

"He made his driver stop right in front of me making me almost fell from the bike." Rosé went wide-eyed. "Almost! Stop worrying, nothing happened... To me, I kinda beat the shit out of his bodyguards." Lisa laughed out loud remembering the dude spitting blood and the other one with his broken nose.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to fight Lisa?"

"In my defense I thought they were going to kidnap me, dude."

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