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Lisa was discharged around five in the afternoon after some more tests to see that she was perfect to leave and after getting her prescription for the headaches she was having.

Ji-yong and Dara were the ones to take her— along with Jennie — to her apartment since Rosé and Jisoo had gone to get some groceries with money Ji-yong gave them after a lot of arguing about it with Rosé who didn't want to take their money.

Jennie was moodier than usual. She had a permanent scowl on her face since she woke up. She didn't even want to leave her room so her father had to carry her outside to the SUV. Her suitcases already in the back.

He told her that she better stayed at Rosé and Lisa's place because if she doesn't. He'll know and if that happened. He was going to cancel all her credit cards.

Ji-yong also had already talked to Jisoo about the possibility of Jennie going to her apartment to stay there. He told Jisoo that if that was the case then she needed to send Jennie back to Lisa's apartment. Jisoo had a lot of respect for him and Dara, so she was going to do exactly what he asked her.

They got to Lisa's building and Seung-hyun (Ji-yong's driver) took Jennie's suitcases out of the back of the SUV and place them close to the steps of the building.

Ji-yong told Lisa in the hospital that they weren't going to stay, they were just going to drop them and leave, she was fine with that. And it was for the best, she was still kinda dizzy and was experiencing a really bad headache, she just wanted to get to her bed and get some sleep.

As soon as they stepped out of the SUV, it took off. Jennie just stood there looking how it disappeared between the buildings and other cars.

Lisa walked towards the building, she wanted to get to her bed as soon as possible. But just like everything in her life, that didn't go as planned.

"Aren't you going to help me with my suitcases?" Jennie asked her, Lisa was already inside the building and turned to look at Jennie's suitcases.

She had one just for makeup and accessories, another one for her handbags, a different and bigger one for her shoes and a huge one for her clothes. After getting a look of the suitcases, she turned back to look at Jennie.

"No." Was her answer and began walking towards the staircase.

"Are you gonna leave the mother of your kids to carry all this weight on her own?"

Lisa blinked at her from the first step of the staircase. "You're going to be the one carrying it, not them, so yes I will."

"Lisa c'mon, stop being an asshole."

"You should've thought about this before packing all that unnecessary shit."

"Is not unnecessary, I need all this."

Lisa sighed and walked to where Jennie was standing. "Why the hell will you need... I don't even know how many fucking bags you have in there."

"I won't use the same one everyday." She placed her hands on her hips.

"What do I get if I help you?"

"How much do you want?"

Lisa laughed sarcastically. "You should think about what comes out of your mouth. Not everything is about money Jennie."

"What do you want then?"

Lisa stood close in front of Jennie and smirked. "A BJ." She wiggled her eyebrows.

Jennie mouthed Lisa's answer, trying to understand what Lisa was asking for. Once she understood her jaw dropped. "EW!" She yelled. "I won't touch your thing ever again, not even with a 10-foot pole."

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