Other than that, there weren't any other appropriately physical options.

Unless you count literal hell.

It took so much more effort trying to avoid his 'oh-so-lovely' stepmother when she kind of, practically, owned the place. As for his father, they don't exactly have the fun father-son dynamic that you'd see on tv in those sitcoms, more like 'son as long as your not dead yet then I don't care' kind of situation. Which when likened to his other associates, can be seen as a rather positive relationship; many other demigods have the misfortune of never having met their parents due to some of the gods' indifference towards their children.

That part of the family aside.

After a lot of wondering around places, doing his minor and intuitive investigations in certain areas, he was lead to an unfortunate dead end. The place where his mother had stayed, hidden from the world and under surveillance from the dickeads above, had underwent heavy renovation during the past years. It had, after all, experienced great structural damage from the initial tragedy it had endured.

Someone else lived there now, a nice set of parents with kids that'll grow up to a stable environment with probably stable mentalities. The two kids would often play outside, by the front door, with their little dollies and giggled cheerfully when their parents would call them back in for food.

He wasn't stalking, he says from the shadows.

He was just observing.

Nico had thought about how peaceful they had it, how lucky those children were to live a life unfathomable to him.


"Welp, that was kinda pointless," he spoke to Will after a moment's silence.

Nico had immediately contacted Will when he fully realised that the town he and his sister had once grown to love, had become nothing but a shattered visage of a time that had sorely come to pass. They conversed as he was finally done with being another passing tourist to a town that he couldn't even remember.

"Are you sure no one even knew your mom?"

"It's been over seventy years. They're either dead or mentally inept."


"Wat? You think brains age like wine? Gods no.They prune like raisins, Will."

Nico looked somewhat defeated, he was in some café bathroom and was IM'ing Will in the actual toilet part of the toilet.

"Once she found out she was pregnant, father put her into hiding by having her stay in some secluded house on the outskirts of town. It's not like she interacted with the town's people. Plus, she wasn't even born here... and it's not like they were great at keeping records back then."

"How 'bout before she met Hades?"

"I found some letters to her addressed by some Bennett lady in one of father's secret shadows in his throne room. But they're really... confusing?"

Nico distractedly combed his hand through his hair, annoyed at the empty handed feeling he got from searching for his mother's past.

"The Bennet person says she's from America. But at that time, Italy and America were—"


"Yeah. Yeah," Nico waved off.

"Maybe, you could talk to this Bennett woman? She could still be alive," Will suggested optimistically.

"I dunno, it just doesn't add up." Nico sighed, "they stopped contact once Bianca was born and then the last letter I found, is from Father, announcing that Mother had died."

[Dear Ms Bennett,

I regret to inform you that our precious Maria has sorely moved on from this world.

I send you my condolences.]

"Don't give up hope," Will assured. "You could just find that Bennett woman, ask her some questions or whatever, and if it doesn't work out then you're always welcome back home," Will answered softly, wide and charming smile accompanying it.

Nico gave out defeated sigh.

"Fine," Nico looked back at the slightly crumpled up letter, "the writing's a bit small but I can just about make out the town. Not sure 'bout the address though."

"So, where you headin' to next?" Will chimed.

"Umm... a Mystic Falls?"

Will giggled, "that's a weird name."


—Nico to Will

—Nico to Will

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


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Comments tend to make me feel quite nice, probably as I was raised to crave validation, but also because the interaction properly allows me to see people engaging with my work.

As someone who is quite carefully working on this series, it means a lot to me when people engage at all.


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