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(John Lamarr tries to give a speech.)

+Simulation Room #2: Outside-Public Gathering+

The machine like humanoids marched in perfect unison. Click-Clack, click-clack. They were one. Each wore the same standard issued uniform, a green and silver masterpiece. All were taught the same ideas. Tension and fear was an abundant by-product of this display. 

The humanoids came to a halt in front of a large podium, of course out of all the days, today it was raining. Plip-Plop, plip-plop. A rather rotund, yet slimming average height African American male made short, yet powerful strides to the podium. It was John Lamarr, he had been using the simulation room and programs to help him with speeches to help pep up his engineering team. Plus, he want to know what it would be like to be a "Dictator" like leader. He wanted to have a power trip with no consequences. Simulations were the best way to live out his fantasies. He climbed the monstrous hurdle and cleared his throat. 

"Now, we all know why we are here today, don't we?" The humanoids continued to look directly ahead. They were following procedure. Those who did not, were no longer functional. "Oh yea, how silly of me! Men at ease!"

All at once, a enormous sigh came from the giant formation. One commented to another. "Jeez, anymore and I would've collapsed." 

The humanoids were relaxing and having loose, yet grands conversations. Lamarr, now disgruntled and cleared his throat again. "EHEM!" They were still ignoring him, no reponses. Lamarr bellowed. "Listen you idiots!"

The giant formation grew slowly quiet, so much so they finally stopped.

Lamarr was now screaming, while his arms waved about. "This is why we have so many rules and guidelines! It's so you don't behave like animals." He grew calm. "Anyway back to business. I've been receiving reports lately that you nincompoops have been wearing uniforms improperly. You all know what happens when you all don't, right? KAPUT!" 

Lamarr never noticed his own uniform was not tucked in properly. A humanoid noticed. For a brief moment, the humanoid became "human"  and laughed. 

"What is so funny you ignorant buffoon?" He began flailing about like angry bull. "Take him away!" 

Two humanoids standing on the sidelines dragged the "human" away as he continued. The rest of the crowd became cold. 

"Ahh, much better. Well, that's it. I suppose. Straighten up, don't end up like him!" 

The rain continued. Plip-Plop, plip-plop.

The Orville Shorts: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now