Chapter 31

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Since the last three chapters were all kinda uneventful, here's a special chapter for you all!


"This kid really doesn't know how to play Uno." Hermes tsked, watching Taehyung play his cards ungracefully. Honestly, why didn't he change the colour when he had the chance?

These past few days, he had really grown fond of the kid. Hermes appreciated positive attitudes like his - they were the ones who made you believe that you could overcome anything.

"Geez." Hermes snorted as Taehyung drew 8 cards again with a groan. All around him, everybody cackled at his misfortune.

Messenger god.

It was as though he had been hit with one of Zeus' lightning bolts. Taehyung dropped his cards as a result of Hermes' shock.

Hermes recognised that voice anywhere.

"Prometheus." He breathed.

You are the only one who I can reach out to, Prometheus' voice was dangerously calm. So I want you to pass on a message. It is your job, after all.

"What do you want?" Hermes asked warily, unable to kick the voice out.

I want all of you to meet me in the park nearby, Prometheus said silkily. In two days time, at midnight sharp.

All of the red flags were up. Hermes suddenly felt a protective surge over Taehyung and the others. "And if I refuse?"

I'll stay silent forever, Prometheus promised darkly. You know how much the quiet is tormenting them. They laugh, but do they really? Their hearts are constantly uneasy. Would you actually allow them to live scared lives until they die, never knowing peace again?

Hermes cursed. All of what he said was true. He could feel the constant paranoia in the atmosphere, even after the reassurance Hoseok had offered.

"Okay," Hermes had to stay strong for Taehyung. If he didn't, the kid's will could fall apart. "I will pass on the message."


Then, Prometheus was gone. Hermes glanced back at the game. Everyone was staring at Taehyung, who was apologising profusely for dropping his cards.

The messenger god concentrated on Taehyung's bonds with the others. They were like threads from a spider, connecting his heart to the rest. Hermes reached out using those bonds, and the reality around him disappeared.

He was in a dark void. But he wasn't alone. He was surrounded by familiar faces.

In Yoongi's place, Hades stood. In Jungkook's place, Ares stood. And so on, so forth. Everyone was there, except Zeus.

"I have something important to tell you all." Hermes began.

"How did you bring us all together?" Poseidon wondered in amazement.

"I used their bonds with each other and their connections with all of you," Hermes explained impatiently. "but that's not the point-"

"No wonder Zeus isn't here," Hades grumbled. "He always has to pick a fight. But what I don't understand is how Athena and Aphrodite are here. Don't they have weak bonds with their hosts?"

Athena glared coldly at Hades, "I do appreciate Namjoon. I find that he barely needs my input on anything. He's smart enough on his own."

"Seokjin's fallen in love, that's why." Aphrodite explained dreamily. Athena glanced at her, acknowledging her words. Once, her expression would have been unsettled and disgusted, but she actually seemed rather unbothered now.

Hermes shook his head. Now he was getting off-track. "I have something really important to say-"

"It must be that snake," Ares interrupted roughly. "I felt his presence earlier."

"Yes," Hermes confirmed, causing them all to fall silent. "He told us to meet at a park nearby in two days at exactly midnight."

"Absolutely not," Poseidon growled, his eyes glowing with protective fury for a few moments. "We will not put them in danger."

"But the thing is, he said that he'll stay silent forever," Hermes added darkly. "That'll torment everyone. Even with every amount of reassurance from us, they will not live in peace for the rest of their lives."

"No wonder he's a snake," muttered Ares, his gaze flashing with the intent to kill. "He knows how to push our buttons."

Hermes looked at him in shock. He had expected the protectiveness coming from Poseidon, but Ares?

Ares caught his look and glared. "The boy's brave, okay? He's got will." His voice was slightly flustered. Everyone gave him a look, before turning back to the matter at hand.

"He's up to something." Hermes pointed out.

"Yes, thank you, Captain Obvious," Hades rolled his eyes. "The point is, what exactly is he up to? Athena?"

The goddess of wisdom was silent, something that really scared everyone.

"I have many theories," She said quietly. "All of them very unlikely. Prometheus is the titan of forethought. If I choose one path, he has probably thought of a counter to it."

"So we're doomed." Aphrodite translated helpfully.

"We have no choice but to let them go, then." Hades sounded deeply disturbed about it. Probably because he vibed with this human the most.

Poseidon interrupted, "But my brother-"

"Yes, Barnacle Beard," Athena agreed before Poseidon could finish his sentence. The sea god looked at her, offended. "If my father cannot establish proper bonds with Hoseok, then I fear his true power can never flourish."

"I told Jimin to solve it."

"Very clever of you," Athena said with a deadpan voice. "Not. It is only something those two can solve among themselves. Hoseok is just as stubborn-headed as Zeus."

"They'll have to fight it out!" Ares roared excitedly.

"Sever the connection," said Athena, exasperated. "At least Namjoon knows how to think."

"Okay, okay, fine," Hermes held up his hands in surrender. "But promise me that you all will do everything to keep everyone alive? We can reincarnate, but they can't."

He was met with five glares.

Hermes chuckled, "Stupid question. I know. Goodbye."

As he severed the connection, he realised how much the Olympians had changed. All because of this one group of humans that thought of one another as a true family.

And they were going to protect them at all costs, dammit!

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