Imagine Tom and the Paparazzi

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The three month old baby slept peacefully in your arms, swaddled up in its usual fluffy blanket. Tom wrapped a protective arm around your waist. The two of you strolled down the sidewalk, the morning sun shining in your eyes. "Hey Tom!" A voice called out. Suddenly, a rush of seven paparazzi's quickly advanced to you. Their camera's flashing in your eyes. The baby, Ana, began to cry pitifully. "Tom! Tom, over here!" A paparazzi called out. Tom protectively put himself in front of you and Ana. "Please," Tom said holding his hand up to his eyes to block the flashes of light, "darling, come on." Tom crooned turning to you. You both strived to get away; but horribly failed. "Please, if you don't mind." Tom stated, pushing himself through the crowd. You followed behind, gently shushing Ana to stop whimpering. You held her close to you, rubbing her back. Tom wrapped his arm around you once again, and escorted you to his car. Tom opened the door for you to get in. After doing so, Tom shut it and jogged to the driver side. A paparazzi advanced toward Tom "Tom! Tell us-" "I am sorry, but we must be going." Tom snapped politely, a sense of annoyance in the tone of his voice. The man smirked, obviously he had gotten what he wanted.
Ana cried a horrid noise, you rocked her back and forth; not knowing what to do. Your eyes began to well with tears as your bottom lip quivered slightly. You laid Ana down in her crib, tucking her under the blanket. "Goodnight darling" you crooned, trying not to cry in front of your daughter. Slowly, you strolled out of the bedroom; quietly shutting the door behind you. A rush of tears came over you as a sob escaped your lips. Tom rushed down the hallway once he heard you, immediately pulling you into his embrace. "This is seven times this month Tom," you mumbled into his shirt, "I can't do this anymore." Tom kissed the top of your head. Unexpectedly, Tom reached down and picked you up bridle style. He sauntered down the hallway, then set down on the leather couch with you on top of him. Tom carefully pulled a fluffy blanket and placed it on top of you. "Tom" you mumbled, puzzled. Tom leaned over and kissed your temple, before grabbing a book that sat on the small table behind the couch. "How about I read to you?" Tom suggested opening the book to page sixty-seven. You smiled shyly, trying to look at the cover; in which Tom refused you to see. He smirked clearing his throat, then read: "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary..." You grinned wildly as you laid your head down on his shoulder, listening to his angelic voice.
Almost a month passed, and the paparazzi still have not left you and Tom alone. All the windows and curtains are closed, knowing that if they were open you would have an audience at your doorstep. You placed a hand on your forehead, inhaling and exhaling. Ana was crying in the kitchen as Tom did his best to feed her. "Please, dear, eat something." Tom implored helplessly. You came out in your dark green dress, and picked up Ana. "Shhh" you shushed rocking her. "I was trying, darling." Tom quietly spoke. "Yes, but was it working?" You spat harshly at him; who flinched at your sudden behavior. Tom only backed away and finished putting everything in the diaper bag. "It's time to go! Mum won't want us to be late!" Tom called out from the dining room. "Yes, I know Tom." You sighed, exhausted.
You, Tom, and Ana arrived at Diana's (Tom's mum) Christmas party. Sarah greeted you at the door and let you in. You handed over Ana to her, who was still whimpering. Diana came into the room, her arms stretched wide for hugs. "Tom," she crooned embracing him, "and y/n." She crooned, again embracing you. After doing so, she greeted Ana then invited you all to the dining room. As Ana was sleeping upstairs, you and Tom ate quietly as the rest of the family was chattering non-stop. "Tom," Diana whispered leaning over to him, "is everything alright?" Tom proceeded to inform her about the paparazzi and how stressed it was making both of you. "...and y/n, she's been...harsher lately." Tom mumbled. "Here, why don't you go someplace private and talk it over, the laundry room is spacious enough?" Diana suggested raising her eyebrows. Tom quickly nodded. He slowly turned to you, grasping your hand. Tom looked at you, letting you know that he wanted to talk. You got out of your chair and so did Tom. Tom escorted you down the hallway and into the laundry room. He flipped on the lights and shut the door. "Y/n, I know this whole paparazzi thing has you very stressed. But, that gives you no reason to treat me the way you have been." Tom crooned, striving to be as gentle as possible. You nodded, feeling tears building in your eyes. "I have been harsh, haven't I," You stated, quickly wiping away a tear, "I am truly sorry." Tom instantly pulled you into his embrace, then pulled away just far enough to gaze into your eyes. Tom cupped your cheeks and kissed you tenderly, "we will get through this." Tom whispered nudging his nose against yours. "Of course we will, Tom." You replied, closing your eyes. "Shall we get back now?" Tom inquired pecking you. "Mhm" you responded grinning, never worrying over the paparazzi again.

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