Imagine Spending Time With Lee

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You walked hand in hand with Lee, your head resting on his arm. The stars shining brightly and the small fire lamps placed around the park setting the mood so perfectly. "I missed you" you mumbled loud enough for him to hear, looking up into his eyes. "And I missed you," He responded gazing down at you, "a month was far too long." You nodding, agreeing with him. "Oh! Here, sit down." Lee said, striving to hide the joy in his voice. You looked suspiciously at him, then continued to do as you were told. Lee rushed to the closest tree and quickly went behind it. "Lee?" You called out, curious of what he was doing. Lee came out from behind it, carrying a basket and two blankets. You gasped "oh my goodness." You said in awe. Lee grinned, "you said you like surprises so, I thought I might give you one." He stated happily. Laying the blanket on the ground, you scooted on top of it. Lee placed the other blanket on your shoulders. "What's in the basket?" You inquired, growing impatient. "Should I show you now or later?" Lee asked, waiting to see your reaction. You huffed. "Show me or I'll beat you up!" You said, trying not laugh. "Oh, so you think you can beat me up?" Lee asked, laughing. "Yes." You said, showing more confidence as you stood up from the ground. Lee followed behind you and smirked. "You really don't want to get yourself into this, dear." Lee playfully retorted, smirking at you. Before you could conjure a thought of what to do, Lee came and pulled you over his shoulder. "Lee!" You laughed, hitting his back with your clenched fists. "Put me down!" You exclaimed. "I'll only put you down on one condition." Lee replied. "What is it?" You inquired, feeling you are going to regret asking. "You have to kiss me." Lee said, you could tell he was grinning proudly. You stayed silent, "oh-fine." You sighed. Lee placed you on your feet and you looked up at him. He only looked down at you and did and said nothing. "Well...what are you waiting for?" You asked. "You agreed to kiss me," Lee explained emphasizing on the word 'you'; "that means you have to do it." You rolled your eyes. Cupping his cheeks you pulled him into a kiss, then quickly pulled away. "Now...will you show me what's inside the basket?" You inquired almost begging. "Not yet." Lee simply replied, escorting you back to the blanket. You sat down as Lee laid next to you. "When can I see?" You asked, becoming more impatient the longer you wait. "I'm not sure." Lee said, smirking. "Fine...let's do something then." You sighed, glancing around the area around you. "Like what?" Lee replied, watching you. "Let me draw on you!" You exclaimed grabbing a pen. "No no no no..." Lee responded, sitting up with his hands in the air. "Oh come on...what else am I gonna do as I wait for you to show me what's inside the precious basket." You giggled grabbing his hand. You began to draw a flower on it. Lee rolled his eyes as he tried not to laugh. Pulling his hand away Lee finally spoke, "fine! I'll show you..." You squealed with excitement. Lee placed the basket on his lap and opened it. You looked inside and saw a lone, beautiful diamond ring. "Y/n L/n, will-" "yes!" You rejoiced wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your lips against his own. "You're right, I do like surprises." you said grinning happily as you and Lee sat pleasantly in each other's presence.

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