Imagine Being Accused of Murder

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You and Loki laid in the grass. It was in the middle of the night and obviously passed your curfew yours parents had given you. Loki snuggled up next to you and nudged his nose against your neck. His arms snaked around you; never wanting to let go. He gave you a small kiss on the cheek. You giggle at him. You entangled your legs with his. After minutes within his embrace, guards came running down into the gardens along with Odin. "Y/n L/n" Odin said. "I missed you too, I missed you too" he said rocking you. You gasped because of your wounded leg. He backed up and laid you back down. "This is going to hurt, but I need you to stay strong and be as quiet as possible, okay darling?" He said. You nodded quickly. He picked you up like a bride and used his magic to break the chain. You yelped a little but he quickly shushed you. He carried you back through the narrow hallway. This time taking a different turn and heading straight for he palace walls. He opened the door that was supposed to be guarded, but luckily it wasn't. He made his way down the steep hill. Loki shrieked in pain as you and he began to stumble soon to roll down the hill and into a small stream. Your blood flowed along with the small current. You looked at Loki. He happened to be pulling out a small throwing knife out of his thigh. "We have to keep going" he panted. "We have to..." He took a deep breath. "...keep going" he exhaled. "Loki" you say trying to push yourself up. "No, rest" he said trying to make his way towards you. "Loki, please-" just as you spoke an arrow came flying into your chest; straight into your heart. "No!" Loki screamed. He forced himself to you. "Y/n, dear, my love, please you can't be dead! Please! Sweet mother of Odin-" and he too, was stopped mid-sentence by another arrow firing into his chest; piercing his own heart. He fell on top of you. His head laying on your chest. Soon Frigga herself came in tears and found her son and his soon to be wife. With no idea any of this was going on.

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