Imagine Sebastian Thinking You're Cheating On Him

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"I don't understand" you whimper quietly and pitiably as your eyes look up through your eyelashes to Sebastian; who was furious, towering over you. "Y/n, I think you do." He stated, the tone of his voice stern. "Seb, Chris [evans] and I-we-were not on a date." You whispered, finding it just unbearable to look at him. "Then why were you with him?" Sebastian inquired sternly. You didn't respond as you strived to find the correct answer. "For goodness sake, I saw you kiss him!" Sebastian shouted raising his hands in the air. You blinked, then responded "He kissed me-" but was interrupted by Sebastian's large hand coming harshly down on your cheek. You yelp, stumbling to the couch trying your best to bite back the tears. You rush to the front door. "Where are you going?" Sebastian spat, following you. "Sebastian! You don't understand, and what I see here is that you never will." You hissed, glaring at his blue eyes. You opened the front door, then slammed it behind you. You darted down the sidewalk, tears streaming down your face.
You sat at the coffee shop, small and innocent tears flowing down
your cheeks. You swiped through photos on your phone, of you and your mom. "Hey y/n." Chris said gently, noticing the tears. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Um-my-my-mom. She-uh-died." You said, breaking into a sob, not one to be noticed though. "Oh my" Chris gasped pulling you into a hug, catching you off guard. "I don't know what to do. Sebastian isn't getting back until tonight, but he has been extra sensitive lately and always snaps when something doesn't go his way. I don't know what's wrong." You whimper in Chris's shirt. He pushed you gently back and gazed into your eyes. "What do you mean?" He inquired puzzled. "I think it's the movie he's working on, the people there are nasty to him and his parents are going through another divorce. He's really upset." You explained quietly, making sure no one would hear. "That's awful! And because of this he's treating you...badly?" Chris stated, trying his best to stay quieter. "Yes. He's having nightmares too, but he won't let me help him. Just-too much it going on." You whispered, wiping away some tears. "Y/n, I am so sorry." Chris crooned, stroking away some of the loose strands of hair from your bun, causing you to feel...uncomfortable. "I would never do that to you." Chris stated. "W-what?" You mumbled just as his lips met yours. You pushed harshly against his chest, "Chris!" You scolded, causing everyone to look at you. Some peoples jaw dropped while some smirked, excited to hear Sebastian's reaction. You quickly grab your purse and dart out of the building, with Chris following behind you. "Y/n, let me explain!" He shouted. "No! I think you 'explained' well enough!" You shouted back, slamming shut your car door. You started the engine, then drove home leaving Chris on the side of the road.
And now, here you are. Rain pouring down on you, as you sauntered down the now gravel pathway of the neighborhood forest that sat directly in the middle. Usually this woods are safe, during the day. It seems you forgot about what came at night.

You sat down on a tree stump, letting out a sigh. "Why" you sobbed into your hands, squinting your eyes shut. You hear a twig breaking, then the gravel shifting as something stepped on it. A growl came from the lips of a large beast. You opened your eyes instantly, observing the fowl creature. It slowly paced around you, observing you as well. Calmly, you backed away, keeping your gaze on its eyes. Feeling for the latter behind you that lead to the treehouse, you grasped onto it. Climbing as fast as possible as the beast lunged at you, scratching your leg with its five claws deeply. You yelp in pain, then finally reach to the top. The beast barked and growled, sitting at the bottom as it waited for you to come down. You pushed yourself against the wall, your chest heaving. "Seb, please, I need you." You whimpered as more tears came.
The next morning came, your eyes squinted at its light. You quickly look down the latter and sigh; it had gone. "Whew" you sighed. You pull up your injured leg and examine the cuts and bruises. Blood was stained on the wooden floors and your skin. You brace yourself to travel back down the latter. Luckily, you made it to the bottom. "Y/n!" A voice called out in the distance. "Y/n!" It repeated itself. "Seb" you thought immediately. "Sebastian! I'm over here!" You called out, not knowing where he is. "Y/n!" Sebastian called out louder this time. "Please! I need you!" You looked around yourself, trying to find him. Until, you saw something moving in the other side of the woods. You stumble down the tiny slope and through the densely wooded area, until you found Sebastian. "Sebastian!" You gasped getting down on your knees. You gawked at his wounded arm, some drops of blood but nothing serious. "That-that thing. It attacked me." Sebastian breathed. "Seb" you stated, looking solemnly down at him. "Yes?" Sebastian breathed as you helped him to his feet. "My-my-um-nevermind, lets get you home." You stated wrapping a supportive arm around him and lead him back down the pathway and out of the woods. "Y/n" Sebastian crooned sitting down on a bench. You lifted your eyebrows, waiting for him to speak. "I am truly sorry for what happened. I had no idea about your mom. Chris told me everything. Y/n, I-I don't have the words to express about how bad it makes me feel that I made you feel that way. I came searching for you around midnight last night but couldn't find you." Sebastian implored, his eyes had dark circles around them and tears welling up in them too. "Please, please forgive me." He begged. You slowly sat next to him, and cupped his face. "Never leave me." You whimpered, laying your forehead on his shoulder. Sebastian kissed the top of your head, then crooned "I will never leave you, darling. Not in a million years."

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