Imagine Tom Comforting You

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You shakily placed your phone down on the counter. You took deep breaths as your tried to accept what had happened. Your brother died in a car crash. He was your only other sibling not including the harsh, and disrespectful half brothers and sisters. He was there for you, let you cry on his shoulder, would let your vent to him no matter what was going on. He even left an important date with his girlfriend (with whom he was presently engaged) to help you from a tough predicament with a certain boy. For example, he would force you to go out with him. And this occasion he attempted to kiss you. You denied it but he only fought harder until you purposefully butt-dialed you brother. You rested your hands on your mouth and sobbed. You continued to take a sharp intake of breath with it being too hard to breathe in a slower pace between the sobs. You needed someone. Badly. You calmed yourself down and grabbed your car keys. Heading out the door you entered inside your car. "Oh I hope he's home" you thought as a few tears fell from your eyes. After only five minutes of driving you finally arrived at Tom's house. One of your life long best friends. He had also be friends with your brother and the three of you would play in his old tree house together. You walked up to his apartment and knocked gently on the door. The door opened and a women appeared at it. "Y/n!" She greeted. It was Tom's sister. He was in the back of the apartment. "Hello! Come in!" He said happily as ever. "Oh, I don't mean to intrude." You say, slowly backing up. "Oh I insist!" She responded. "No, it's fine. I'll leave you two alone" you say giving a fake smile and walking off. You just made it outside before you felt a hand grasp your shoulder. You let a small scream escape your lips before you realized it was Tom. "Tom! Don't scare me like that!" You exclaim. "I'm sorry, dear. But please, come in. I know something is wrong. Please, she has left knowing that you would rather talk alone." He spoke seriously, his blue eyes piercing yours. "Okay" you agree and follow him to his apartment. He shuts the door behind himself and comes close to you who was now sitting on the back of the couch. You wiped a tear from your cheek. "Tom..." You choke. Tom comes and kneels on front of you, looking up into your e/c eyes. "Um-my brother. He-uh-died." You begin to sob again. A tear fell from his eye too. "I am so sorry" he stated grabbing hold of your hand. You stand up quickly, a little uncomfortable from the sudden treatment from him. He still was kneeling, his hand now at his side. "Tom, please" you state referring to how close he was to you and the unexpected affection. "Yes?" He inquired unaware of it. "Tom, please, we can't do this now. I need to be alone." You state looking down into his eyes. "Darling, I have a feeling that you shouldn't be alone. You and I both know your past. You need to be here until this chapter of your life passes" Tom stated gazing up into your eyes. "You are always right" you giggle. Tom giggled as well. "Well?" He inquired. "Okay" you respond. Tom hugs your waist, his cheek resting against your stomach. He took hold of your hand and kissed the palm of it then slowly moved to your fingers. You stroked his blonde hair as tears still fell down your cheeks. "Thank you" you choke out. "No, thank you for giving me a chance." He replied closing his eyes. "Shall we go out and get something to eat? To help get your mind off things." Tom suggested, his voice angelic. "I would love that" you respond. Tom the gets up, and leads you out the door to one of your most cherished moments in your life.

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