Chapter Eleven

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Zailey's P.O.V.

"Ooooo! Liam got some, didn't he?" Harry chorused.

"Harry. I can't believe people think that you're the advanced one in love. You're being immature, and it was only a kiss."

"Or five." Niall added.

"And that's none of your business." Liam said sitting down on the couch and putting his arm around me. "Besides, what do you care anyways Harry?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders and went back to playing the Wii. Louis and Zayn came into the room and started whispering stuff in Niall and Harry's ears. Niall and Harry both nodded and walked out of the room with Louis and Zayn.

"God only knows what they're up to." Liam muttered.

"I don't even think they know what they're up to."

We sat there for a minute trying to decide what they're doing when we heard the sound of heavy things being moved around in the backyard.

"I'll go see what they're up to. Be right back." Liam said while getting up and walking off. I could hear him open the door and shut it then quickly walk back in.

"Zailey, they made something for you." Liam said while leading me outside.

I stepped out onto the patio and found the boys sheepishly grinning and sitting down in the grass.

"We made you a very beautiful bracelt." Niall grinned, handing me a napkin with something inside of it. I opened it up and found a beaded bracelt that had random beads on it. It was pretty, but it was really random and I probably wouldn't ever wear it.

"Awww. Thank you guys. But... What was all of that noise out here?" I asked.

"What noise?" Zayn said casually. "Oh wait! Yeah. That noise was nothing."

"Okay... Anyways. Thanks for the bracelt."

"Uh-huh. And you're gonna wear it tonight." Harry stated.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"Out." Louis said while leaning against Niall's shoulder.


"When you said out Louis, I didn't know that you meant Wendy's." I said while waiting in line to order.

"Well, surprise! Wendy's!" Louis shouted.

We all placed our orders and found a booth on the far wall and piled in. I sait next to Liam and Niall, while the other boys were just randomly placed.

"So how's life?" Harry asked trying to start up some conversation.

"Good." Niall said. "How's yours Zayn?"

"Excellent." He replied.

"Oh yeah Zayn. You still going out with Kenadi?"

He didn't answer so I decided to take that as a no. Whoops. My matchmaking skills aren't so amazing after. Well, so far Taylor and Harry have worked out but you never know. People change.

"And how's your life Zailey?" Louis asked. The boys all started to give me weird looks that made me want to laugh out loud. So I tried to contain my laughter.

"Pretty good." I lied. It is the truth though. Well mostly. When I'm with them my life is just perfect. When I'm not... I don't even want to get into that.

"Well that's just fantastic." Harry said. "Now how is yours Liam?"


Anyways, there wasn't as much chatter as there usually was when we went out and the attempted conversations ended pretty abruptly. I was trying to think if there was anything I did wrong. 


"Zailey, we need to talk." Liam said.

"About what?" I asked.

"About this." Liam exclaimed, holding up a letter.

"What is it?"

"It's an eviction notice. We got in our mailbox, but it's yours."

"Wait so... An eviction notice? Does that mean that I'm being envicted from my house?"

"Basically." Liam stated. "But this is why we needed to talk. Us boys decided that you could come and live with us instead of having to pay for the house that you barely even use. I mean, your over at our house most of the time anyways."

"Ummm... I don't know. It sounds fun and all... But that house next door has been the only house I've ever known in my whole life. If I left, it would be like memories slipping away from my memory."

"Just know that if you came and lived with us, you can make new memories that you most likely won't forget. It's up to you. We can arrange people's rooms so you can come and stay with us. But you don't have to."

I thought for a minute. New memories, and I wouldn't have to pay for that house bill anymore. "Sounds good to me. I'll live with you guys."

Liam smiled and said, "Great. Let me go tell Niall. He'll be really excited since this was his idea afterall.

When Liam left the room, I remembered something. Someone. Ty. What am I supposed to do? Sell all of his stuff? He's always with his dad anyways. But when I did get to seem him, what was I supposed to do? Make him sleep outside? No. Never. I just need to tell someone about Ty, before it's too late.

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