Chapter Nineteen

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Author's Note:

Okay so, I have recently deleted my old chapter 19 and 20, because I decided I wanted to do something different with this book. So if you did read the old 19 and 20, sorry about that. I just brain farted for two months, and I think I finally have something. So read on, read until you're dreams come true. :) And this chapter may be kinda short, but it's my first chapter in two months, so just appreciate what comes. And this is coming, so like it or leave it.

And the song for this chapter is Gone Forever by Three Days Grace. The lyric video is on the side, and this song is freaking amazing. So listen if you want to know what Liam is singing throughout this chapter. Enjoy! 

Liam's P.O.V.

I sang the words to the song that I knew so well. It felt good to sing something that I actually felt. Gone Forever, by Three Days Grace was my new jam. It was one of the only ways that helped me to cope with the fact that Zailey will never love me again, at least never like the way she used to.

“Don't know what's going on, don't know what went wrong. Feels like a hundred years, I still can't believe you're gone. So I'll stay up all night, with these bloodshot eyes. While these walls surround me, with the story of our life.” I sang. I was about to get to the course, which was my favorite part. “I feel so much better, now that you're gone forever. I tell myself that I don't miss you at all. I'm not lying, denying that I feel so much better now, that you're gone forever.”

I heard a knock on my door and Harry came in. “Dude, you've been singing that song non-stop for a week, it's getting annoying.”

“Well it's not my fault that it's a good song.”

“Whatever man, just find a cooler, better song than that. It's kind of a depressing song.”

“Dude, I'm depressed. It only fits.”

“You don't have to be depressed if you don't wanna be. Depression is a disorder that can be entirely prevented if you stop and look at the good things in life. You don't have to be depressed about Louis and Zailey getting married, it's their choice and they can do whatever they want. But just because they're happy together doesn't mean you can't be happy with someone else.”

“But nobody else is like Zailey...”

“I'm sure someone else can win over your heart too. Why don't we go out tonight and find someone for Mr. Liam? Huh?”


“Come one Liam. You can't just sit around all day singing songs about your ex-girlfriend. That's just loserly, and it's annoying everyone in the house.”

“I'm still gonna say no.”

“Then I'm gonna keep bugging you about it until you say yes.” Harry smiled. “Please come, please come, please come. It'll be really fun, and maybe you could get some lady action, since you haven't gotten any in awhile. Doesn't Mr. Liam want some lady action? I know he does. He just has to say yes and then I'll shut up and he'll go get some. Please Liam, please agree to come with me. If you say no one more time, I'm gonna shove a spoon up your butt and then I'll-”

“Shut up!”

“Only if you say yes.”

“Fine! Yes, I'll go with you tonight to wherever you're going. Just shut up!”

Harry stood up and straightened out his shirt. “Mission accomplished. I'll go tell the boys that we're gonna go tonight.” He left and closed the door behind him.

“He's so annoying sometimes...” I muttered.

Zailey's P.O.V.

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