Chapter Fourteen

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Louis' P.O.V.

I was glad that Liam was safe, because I felt like the reason he was at the bar was my fault... Well actually it was kind of my fault, but Zailey told me not to worry about it. I was also glad that we were fine, because I would hate it if she was mad at me. I took her to the hospital a couple times this week to see Liam, and he was doing fine. She didn't really want to go, but the paps found out so she kind of had to, just to make people happy. In fact, she didn't even want to see Liam at all, and he really didn't want to see her. Every time we went, they would argue, and the nurses would have to come in to calm him down. Other than that, he was doing pretty good.

“What ya thinkin about Lou?” Zailey said while sitting next to me. She had a mountain dew in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. “Want some?” She offered.

“Nah, I'm good.”

“Did management call again? They seem to be digging this story about me and Liam.”

“Yeah. They're just trying to decide the next big thing that will attract attention to the band.”

“Anything new?” Zailey asked.

“Not much.” I lied. Actually, there was something. It just seemed pretty weird and she would probably freak out.

“Okay. Let me know if anything happens.” She seemed pretty mutual about everything with management and all, and she seemed to cooperate with anything they said. Like going to see Liam at the hospital, even if she really didn't want to.

“I will.”

“Wow, look at the couple sitting on the couch.” Harry said while walking past, juggling oranges. “You guys look so cute.”

“Ha.” Zailey said. “Very funny.”

“No seriously.” Niall chided in from across the room. He was stuffing his face full of cupcakes, and he had lots of frosting around his mouth.

“Oh yeah you guys! We need to go see Liam today! He's gonna get out soon.” Zayn added. He was sitting on the floor looking at a magazine of himself.

Zailey nodded in agreement. “What time?”

“Before lunch.”

“Dude, lunch is in an hour and I'm still not even ready for the day.” Zailey complained.

“Then hurry up.” Niall said.

She ran up the stairs to her room and I assumed that she was getting ready to go.

“You like her.” Niall sang.

“Maybe.” I answered.

“No, you do.” Harry argued. “I can see it in your eyes.”

“It doesn't matter if I do or don't. I can't have her anyways.”

“Uh yeah, you can. If you want her, go get her. Don't just wait around. Besides, I don't think she is going back to Liam, if he even wants her anymore. You can have her, just don't wait too long, or some other lucky guy might get her.” Zayn added. “But keep her away from Harry. He's too much of a flirt. He might steal her.”

“Hey!” Harry protested. “No I wouldn't.... Okay maybe I would. But still, I promise I won't flirt with her, if you are going to go after her. If you don't go after her then, well that's a different story.”

“You guys are crazy. She doesn't like me.”

“Have you seen the way she looks at you? Maybe the reason she didn't punch the shit out of you is because she liked kissing you. Ever think about that brainy boy?” Zayn said.

The Girl Next Door// Louis Tomlinson {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now