Chapter Twenty

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 Zailey's P.O.V.

I barely heard anything when the boys came back. Normally they're extremely loud and annoying, but they were weirdly quiet tonight. I sat up and looked over at the clock. It was almost one in the morning. I groaned inwardly and laid my head back down. Whenever I get woken up at night, I can't ever seem to get back to sleep. I can tell that this is going to be a long night for me.

When I head Louis come in, I pretended that I was asleep. I didn't want him to feel bad for waking me. I could hear him quietly scampering around, getting ready for bed. After a little while, I felt his arms around me and he whispered, “I know you're awake, sorry for waking you.”

I turned around to face him. “It's fine. How was it?”

“It was good. Management is proud because the fans wanted to see me and Liam talking to each other again.”

I nodded my head. “You wanna go get some food somewhere? I don't think I'm going back to sleep anytime soon.”

Louis just laughed. “At one in the morning? What's even open this late?”

“Fast food restaurants.”

“Fine, let's go. But we're only going to the drive thru since I'm in my pajamas.”

“Yay!” I silently cheered. We grabbed ourselves some jackets and sunglasses and went out to Louis car.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“So how was that? Was it everything you ever wanted?” Louis asked.

I nodded my head. “What should we do now?”

“How about we go get some sleep?”

“You can. I think I'm gonna go watch a movie or something.”

Louis just laughed again. “You really can't sleep now, can you?”

“Nope,” I said popping the p.

“Just try it. I'm sure if you can get bored enough you could sleep again.”

“But being bored is boring.”

“Not when I'm around.” Louis smirked.

Liam's P.O.V.

It was almost three in the morning when I heard a car pull up to the driveway. I looked out my window and saw Zailey and Louis, hand in hand, walking up to the house. Is it weird that I kind of feel jealous about Louis and Zailey, but kind of feel glad that I don't have the same feelings for either of them? I mean yesterday, I hated Louis and all I wanted to do is ask Zailey why, and then kiss her to make Louis mad. But now I just feel at peace, with the both of them. I mean, I'll still have feelings for Zailey, but not in the kind of why that seems all couple-y.

But watching them walk in to the house, so happy together, it kind of made me feel bad for myself. I know I have millions of directioners that would love to date me out there, but I don't know if any of them are the right people for me. I decided to stop being a creeper and laid back down in my bed.

I stared at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling and imagined that I was Buzz Lightyear, doing something good for someone. Lately I feel like I'm hurting almost everyone, and I have no idea how true that is. But it still scares me that I'll never have the chance to do something good for anyone. I drifted off to sleep thinking of reasons why I'm even alive anymore.

The Girl Next Door// Louis Tomlinson {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now