Start from the beginning

I knocked on the guys bathroom door tentatively.

"Hey is Naruto ok?" A few seconds later the door opened to reveal a tired looking Neji.

"He's fine just drunk. He needs to go home and get some sleep."

"I'll take him back." I offered.

"No You-"

"No really I'm worried about him besides someone sober needs to look after him and Ive drunk the least here I don't even feel it right now." I shrugged.

"If your sure."

About twenty minutes later I was hauling a half conscious Naruto into my room and laying him on my bed.

"Are you sure about this?" Checked Lee.

"Yeah it's much farther to his place besides at least here I have everything he could need who knows what he had there." I responded.


I snorted at Narutos slurred accusation.

"Naruto that is no way to speak to a lady especially after she has taken you into her home and is taking care of you!" Scolded Lee. Narutos eyes watered up. Oh god here we go.

"It's fine don't worry." I assured him.


"Thank you lee but it's ok you can go home I'll take care of Naruto." I assured him as I sat down on the bed beside the knuckle head ninja.

Finally Lee left after me promising several more times it'd be alright.

"I'm sorry." Naruto whimpered clinging to my waist.

"It's ok just drink this water and go to sleep."


"Whatever you want."

Happily he grabbed the water and downed it before with a vicious yank he pulled me into his arms.


"Kiba i think I've had enough." I said as the room spun around me.

"One more round we on a roll!" He cheered. I grimaced.


"Sakura Hinata hurry up would ya!"

Sakura and Hinata gave me apologetic looks. They tried to talk Kiba out of it but between him and Naruto they couldn't get a word in edge wise.

"Come on how do you keep missing!" Yelled Kiba frustrated. We were tied at three cups to three cups so far I had sunk one of the three on the side but that wasn't good enough even though he wasn't the one drinking everytime the other team sunk a cup.


"Give me that." He snatched the ping pong ball from me. "See that's how you play pong!" He yelled as e sunk it. I wanted in all honesty to cry at this point my head was pounding as the room spun and my stomach was hurting.

"Kiba can we stop please." I begged.

"What were winning this is no time for quoting right Akamaru!" Akamaru gave a worried bark as he rubbed his head against my leg but Kiba was too high off his victory.

"But Kiba I don't think I can-" the sickening sound of Sakura's ball going into the cup almost made me be sick. Kiba swore as Hinatas went in as well before stuffing another double shot in my hand. I felt queasy just smelling it.

"Kiba..." I practically whimpered his name.

"Drink up it's our turn now." I looked at the shot before squeezing my eyes shut even as tears filled them before I knocked back the shot. I placed the cup down on the table knowing this wasn't going to be good. Sure enough as Hinatas next round came around I felt dizzy beyond belief.

Naruto One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now