Neji Hyuga One Shot ~ Stupid Kitten

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Koneko meaning kitten (had to ask one of the Japanese exchange students for a name meaning cat or kitten since your username has Neko in it ^^ hope you don't mind)

Koneko Shizuka

Black hair with blue tinted sheen past her butt with bangs

Electric blue eyes

Petite but curvy

It was the usual breezy spring day in Konoha. The sound of the village being rebuilt echoed throughout the crater driving a certain blue haired female to seek refuge outside the village before she screamed.

Finally it was her day off, which meant no missions, no more strenuous work rebuilding, no more training and in general no more work. Which was why the sound of the village being repaired and the collection of materials for war was driving her insane, so much so she was dying to go on a mission just to get away from it. Luckily for her Sakura had been quick to notice and asked Lady Tsunade if Koneko could go with Neji to bring back the newest load of ninja tools. Tenten would have been the best choice for the job but seeing as she was in disposed and the weapon was "different from the usual sort" she and Neji could quite easily take care of it themselves.

Thus her day off became a several day long trip to a remote island where they could possibly run into Naruto. But of course possibly turned into reality.

"Would you stop yelling in my ear?" Sighed Neji as Naruto excitedly and rather loudly called Konekos name.

"Hey Naruto! Long time no see." She said with a smile before embracing him much to the knuckleheads embarrassment and Neji's displeasure. However Koneko was completely oblivious of this, and Naruto shooting Neji a please don't kill me look, as she hugged him.

"What brings you two here anyway?" He asked when she let go.

"A boat." She replied with a smirk.

"Haha miss wise-"

"We're here on a mission for Lady Tsunade." Stated Neji interrupting Naruto and stepping up beside her.

"You guys too?" Demanded the ninja with a scowl. "Seems like everyone's getting to go on missions..."

"We are preparing for a war you know." Stated Koneko crossing her arms with a smirk "what did you think we'd be doing? Running through flower filled fields or something?"

"No!" Yelled Naruto "it's just that it's not fair! I mean I'm the only one who doesn't get to go on one of these missions!"

"Naruto you are already on a mission of your own." Sighed Yamato for the millionth time.

"Yeah yeah I know but it's not the same!" He pouted. However Koneko's interest like so many other times had slipped. Neji noticed her attention mislap and quickly moved towards her.

"What on earth are you doing?" He asked as she fiddled with a hanging rope.

"It was loose and I was bored so I thought Id try to fix it." She explained trying to grab the rope as it swung through the air slightly out of her reach.

"Do you even know where that goes?" He asked her watching her try to jump for it.

"I'll worry about that-after I grab it!" She told him between leaps.

"You really are a kitten aren't you?" He asked amused as she missed yet again.

"Haha very funny." She told him "but you know maybe you are right, even so Id rather be a playful happy kitten-than a bored lazy-fat cat!" before he could stop her she had crouched and leapt high into the air.

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