35. A choice

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Once I'd finished getting ready, I headed downstairs

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Once I'd finished getting ready, I headed downstairs. I did a quick check on everything, making sure it's perfect. The party was only 10 minutes from starting. The doorbell rung and people starting showing up, me and Christian greeted them. After 20 minutes most people had shown up. The doorbell rung again and when I opened it up, it was Brooklyn and rye. They were looking good, they both looked at me, with their jaw almost dropping.

Ellie- hey you both look great

great isn't exactly how id put it, id say they looked absolutely handsome.

rye- thanks, you too

Brooklyn- yeah you look amazing

Ellie- thank you, well come in

they both came in and joined the other boys in the living room. after about an hour, the sun started setting.

Brooklyn- follow me

i followed him into the garden. we went behind a wall which was where the 'secret garden' was.

Brooklyn- i wanted to say that you looked beautiful earlier, but i felt rye would become a bit jealous

Ellie- thank you Brooklyn, i wanted to say that you looked handsome, you both did

Brooklyn- well i wanted to say that, even though you and rye broke up, I thought that there still is a chance that you two will get back together. and i just wanted to say that i would respect that, but i would also leave you two alone, its unfair for rye if i keep hanging around with you, but of course we will still be best friends right?

Ellie- yeah of course, but i don't know, the truth is, i love you both. but i don't want to hurt either of you

Brooklyn let out a sigh.

Brooklyn- just promise me you'll do what you want, not anyone else

Ellie- i promise

we smiled at each other and then hugged. I knew I would have to make a choice soon

Brooklyn- now, stand there, this is the perfect time for a photo

Ellie- Brooklyn *laughs*

Brooklyn- come on

i rolled my eyes and laughed. i stood near a wall, facing Brooklyn, smiling at his camera. i then took a photo of him. after we headed back inside. the party was great, everyone was enjoying themselves, a few drunk people which made the party funny, we played games and had a great night. it was around 10pm, everyone was now heading home and i was a drunk mess, i said that i wouldn't drink much but i guess not.

Brooklyn's pov

everyone was heading home, i headed over to Andy who was talking to sonny

Brooklyn- do you guys know where Ellie is?

Andy- i think she went upstairs

sonny- shes pretty drunk

Andy- brook, do me a favour and stay here for the night. Rye's drunk as well and he gets a little crazy when hes drunk, I've already spoke to christian and he says its fine.

sonny- and you need to look after Ellie, who knows what shes like drunk

Brooklyn- yeah okay that's cool, ill see you guys tomorrow if i don't see you later

i head upstairs to find Ellie, i look in her bedroom, she wasn't there. then i went to the spare room, i went in and she was laying on the bed asleep. i shook her shoulder lightly to see if she would wake. she started moving a little bit, which indicated to me that she was waking up.

Brooklyn- come on Ellie

i picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room. as i got to her door she woke up but was very tired.

Ellie- can i go to bed?

Brooklyn- in a little bit

i put her on her bed, i took off her shoes and her jewellery. i placed them on her desk and then i went into her wardrobe and got a large t-shirt.

Brooklyn- put this on and then take your dress off

she did what i said, i went into her bathroom while she was doing that to find some makeup wipes or makeup remover. i found some in the cupboard, then went back to the bedroom where she was.

Brooklyn- look at me

she looked up at me. i held her chin while wiping away her makeup

Brooklyn- your so beautiful, you know that

Ellie- yeah i know

she said in a goofy voice, i couldn't help but chuckle. after i took all the makeup i could off. i got her into bed. she pretty much fell straight asleep after her head hit the pillow. i went into her bathroom and got a bucket and a towel and put it next to her bed in case she threw up. then i went downstairs and helped christian clear up

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