32. Shopping

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We got to the mall, when we got inside we headed to some shops to get an outfit

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We got to the mall, when we got inside we headed to some shops to get an outfit.

Brooklyn- i might get a new top as well, oh I forgot to ask, what are you dressing up as for Halloween?

Ellie- Halloween?

Brooklyn- yeah I think we're having a Halloween party at our house, just us though

Ellie- oh fun, we can look see what's there

Brooklyn- yeah

We went into a shop for Brooklyn, we looked around for a while, and then I saw a top

Ellie- what about this?

Brooklyn- wow I actually really like that

Ellie- it's really nice,

Brooklyn brought a top, as well as a couple of other things. We shopped for my outfit, then for decorations and food. Then lastly we went into a Halloween store

Brooklyn- Ellie what about these masks?

Ellie- they're cool.

Brooklyn- do you want to match halloween?

Ellie- yes!

We brought the masks, along with some face paint and some other pieces. Once we were done, we brought some drinks and headed back to the car, it was actually quite a hot day, so we had the windows down, playing music. When we got back. We put everything in the kitchen. Brooklyn went home to get some spare clothes and some swimming trunks. When he came back it was already 3pm.

Ellie- would you like some dinner? I know it's early

Brooklyn- id love some,

Ellie- Hm, I could make some pasta?

Brooklyn- I'll have anything.

Once we'd eaten, we got changed into our swimming clothes and headed to the pool. Brooklyn cannonballed in.

Ellie- Brooklyn! *laughing*. Is it warm?

Brooklyn- id say it's a little under warm

I sat at the edge at put my hand in

Ellie- oh, it's freezing.

Brooklyn- *chuckles* where you going?

Ellie- to sit over here until it's warmed up.

Brooklyn- oh no you don't.

I headed over to sit on a chair, Brooklyn got out the pool and walked towards me. He picked me up and jumped into the pool.

Ellie- oh my god! It's so cold!

Brooklyn- come here then,

He pulled me towards him. He leaned in and kissed me passionately.

Ellie- I'm so glad I met you.

Brooklyn- me too.

Even though it had only been a couple of days since me and rye split. I feel so close to Brooklyn, he makes me feel myself, someone I'd never thought I'd be. Of course I felt bad for rye, I'm pretty sure he's not over me, I'm almost not over him. But there's always been something between me and Brooklyn since we met. after a few hours Brooklyn went home. i cleaned the whole house and made it all tidy ready for decorations. it was only 7pm but i needed to get a lot of sleep, tomorrow was going to be a very busy day. after i had a long shower, i went into my wardrobe and looked at the hoodies. i saw rye's hoodie. i took it out and put it on, then i remembered how much i miss rye. and that's when i realised...

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