Chapter 11 : Unforgotten

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Now what? You drank yourself to sleep and now you can't remember anything from last night? That's your fault.

Rick's POV

"Ughhh..." I groan sitting up on my bed and holding my head that was beating out of my skull. Hangover. I stood up on my bed and saw my portal gun on the bedside, I took it and placed it back in my lab coat. I soon as secured my gun in my coat I saw a pill container and underneath it was a piece of paper.

'Hey Rick!

I'm guessing you're having a massive hangover right now so I left my hangover pills with you, take 1 and dissolve it in water. Don't bother giving back the pills I have a ton of 'em back home.

Y/N *insert heart*

I smiled at the note and placed it in my drawer and headed downstairs. I grabbed a glass of water and dropped a pill in it like Y/N instructed. A few minutes later the pill started to kick in and slowly my hangover was fading. And headed to the dining area.

There I saw Beth, Jerry,Summer and Morty waiting form me. "H-hey R-rick." Morty greeted me as I sat down. "Hey Dad where were you last night?" Beth asked me and raised a brow.
"O-oh I was at the ba*uuurrrp*bar down the street. Y/N just g-got the a job t*uurrp*there." I explained picking up some food and eating. "W-where did s-she even had the t-time to apply?" Morty said surprised while chewing on some food. "Yesterday morn*uurrpp*ning, before classes. Well that's how she said it to me." I explained and went back to eating.

"Thanks swe*urrpp*sweetie you cooked the s-shit outta those eggs." I said and kissed my daughter' cheek and placed the plate in the sink. I went to my garage and started fiddling with one of my guns since I couldn't seem to fix it. I annoyingly threw the tools on my desk and grabbed my flask. I took a large swig from it while slouching in my chair. I look over at Y/N's house as soon as I placed my flask back in my coat. 'It's Saturday today shouldn't Y/N be roaming around touring herself on the streets?' I thought to myself and decided to visit Y/N, I walked over to her doorstep before knocking I heard loud music playing from inside.

She opens the door and saw me, "H-hey Riiicck." She stuttered and turned a light shade of pink. I raised the side of my brow and asked what she was doing. "O-Ohhh I'm just writing something." She said her face turning back to her skin color.

She gestured for me to come in, as soon I stepped inside I hear the loud rock playing over the speakers in the living room. I turn to her "You're doing your hom*urrrpp*ework while rock is blasting through you sp-speaker?"I said with a chuckle and my brow raised again. She look at me confused." You said you were wri*urrrp*tting something? I a-assume i*urrp*it's homework."I explained

"OH! No,no,no I'm writing a book." she said with a nervous smile holding the back of her neck. She gestured for me to follow her to her room.

"I already finished those back at school before classes ended I'm passing them on monday so I don't have to worry about the idiots there staring at me begging me to help them." She rolled her eyes and walk towards the stairs.

"If you're so s*urrrp*smart why not graduate al-already?" I asked her jokingly. She stops halfway up the stairs and faced me.

"Already did." she smiled and continues to walk backwards up the stairs carefully watching her steps. "I graduated back when I was 16, which was irritating cause after a year of rest I have to go back to highschool." she continues her brow twitching irritated. I raised a brow at her asking why. "So I can get my 'background' story into place." she answers putting air quotes on the word background. "Oh that 'my parents died and now I moved alone into a new neighborhood' story." I teasing her while we walked towards her bedroom door.

"EXACTLY!" she said opening the door letting ourselves in. I look at her confused once again on why she isn't confused I caught on her lie. "Oh Rick, I know you're one smart fucker and observant one at that,I already knew you'd caught on sooner or later." She chuckled, picking her laptop from the bed so we can sit.

"Knowing you you probably did a background check on me. Am I right?" she waiting for me to response, I only nod and she stands up and takes her laptop and sat on the floor facing me.

"So tell me, what did you find." She said a smirked formed on her lips. "Well for s-starters you have al*urrrpp*alot of hobbies judging from your actions t-these past three days. Including n-now." I look at her as she nods. "Your hobbies include baking, w*uuuurrrpp*writing, d-drinking, bar tendering a-and listening to r*uurrrpp*rock." She stood up as soon as I mention the last word, leaned her upper torso towards me making our faces a few inches apart, I feel my cheeks heat up a bit.

 "I'm going to this concert in a couple of weeks, you guys wanna come?" She said smiling her eyes closed waiting for me to response. I look at her face as my eyes trailed of to her pink smiling lips, I answer "S-Sure" and saw her throat moved as if she swallowed something. She stands up straight, picked up her laptop on the floor and placed it on her bedside table. She bend over leveling with the laptop and started tying, probably reserving tickets.

I look at her fingers typing really fast a sign that she's an experienced writer. My eyes then travels to her arms and face then down her neck and shoulder, eventually finding myself looking at her waist. I feel myself heat up as the memory from last night started flowing into my mind. I held my mouth to cover up the red tint on my face and turned my head towards the door.

"Hey, only the back row seat tickets are available, you guys ok sitting farther away from me?" She said and looked at me for a brief moment, waiting for me to response. "Uh-huh." I plainly answer. "Great!" She turns back to her laptop, I feel myself cool down then face back to her waist. Why her waist goddammit! I cursed myself and notice the her shirt was lifted up a bit from her bending and a bit of her skin showed I quickly ignored it and turn towards her laptop and she type. "And done!" she exclaimed clicking one last key, faced me and smiles.


Heyah guys I'm ending this a bit shorter for now cause I still have other stuff to do I'll update again soon.


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