Chapter 3 : Shopping Spree (Part 2)

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I tried so hard to get this fucking shopcart to budge but to no avail I failed a couple times. One last tug, I said to myself. So I pulled with all my might but nothing I only fell onto the floor.


As I fell onto the floor I hit my ass on something spiky like tiny needle poke me. I rubbed my ass only to feel a belt and cloth I stood quickly and saw Rick on the floor probably the one who caught my fall. "S-Sorry" I said turning my face away as I feel my face start to heat yup.

"Fucking fucks." Said Rick as he stood up, he pushes me aside and pulls onto the cart it separates form the line of carts. I look at Rick embarrassed that I was to weak to pull a single cart.

I wanted to push the cart so they won't have to do anything but Rick took the cart and insisted to push it for me, I smile appreciating his gesture.

I walk over to the aisle and saw that one of the aisle were full of kid's toys, I hissed trying not to show Rick and Morty my irritated face, I walked the other direction and plastered a smile and started to look at the items on the other aisles.

The grocery was huge every aisle was only dedicated to 2 types of food or other objects. They were patient and followed me into each aisle the cereal aisle, spreads, chips, biscuits,vegetables,fruits all types of food and supplies. "You guys want anything just take it, my treat" I said smiling. Morty grabs few candies and juices and placed them in the cart mean while Rick just looked around waiting for something to stumble upon.

I went over to the west side of the grocery to pick up some meat and other frozen foods, I picked up some chicken,pork,some hotdogs, ground pork, nuggets anything I can kinda cook. I picked everything I needed and went to the other side where I saw some beer and alcohol. My eyes glimmered at the sight of various liquor.

"Really? You like those stuff? You're weird." Rick laughs and I stare at him with confusion.
Morty points at something behind me then proceeds to laugh with Rick. I looked at what Morty pointed at and saw Anchovies. Ahhhh they probably thought I like those ew, I should probably point them to the good stuff. I thought to myself snickering, "Not that dumb asses, this!" I said pulling them towards the liquor shelf. I picked up a two bottles each of rum, vodka, tequila and gin, I'm surprised that there's still room for a lot of things in the cart. I looked back at the shelf and saw whiskey and thought why not? I picked up a bottle and place it in.

I looked at Rick and Morty trying to process what had just happened. "Y-you drink Y-Y/N?" Morty asked as if he didn't believed what had just happened. I nodded at the both of them then proceeded to walk over the other fridges and saw Red Horse (A type of beer in my country) "Sick! they have this here?!" I picked up a few bottles then place them in the cart too. As soon as I went over to grab some more I felt something loosen around my chest my eyes widened, I try not to move with my hands still up the air holding two other bottles of beer. I moved again slowly thinking I'm safe, but I clearly was not. I feel the bandages completely loosened and fell onto the ground unwrapping my chest. I sigh and place the last two beers on the cart and picked up the bandages and proceeded to lift up my shirt to re-wrap the bandage on my chest.

I saw a few people looking at me whilst I wrap my chest, "The fuck you lookin' at assholes!" I scream at them and ignored me completely after I scared them off. I tied the bandage in a knot "Geez you cant trust safety pins these day." I said annoyed, I look over to Rick and Morty their face completely red, confused and shocked. I laugh

They turned away as soon as I laughed and tried to ignore what happened moments ago. I gestured them to follow me as soon as they did I walked along the aisle of fridges and spotted what I was looking for. I opened the door and grabbed a few tubs of chocolate and strawberry ice cream.

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