Chapter 5 : Just Another Fun Night

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What are fuck you smiling for? Stop that you're a fucking idiot. Turn away and go inside.

Rick's POV

I walked inside the house and was greeted with Beth's smile. "How was your trip? Did you guys have fun?" She ask me looking at me wanting details. "It was f*urp*fun sweetie, Y/N even paid for lunch and some o-other stuff she insisted we have." I smiled at my daughter. "You like her don't you dad?" Excuse me what? "What?" I asked her.

"You like Y/N don't you?" she asked again, "S*urp*sweetie, Y/N a fun girl who w-wouldn't like her?" I said laughing a bit as I hold her shoulders. "No dad, like, like you like her dad! You know what I mean." She said begging for me to answer once more. "Honey she's young, too young even if I end up liking her she wont like an old man like m*urp*me." I said emphasizing on the last word.

"Well, I've never seen you walk in here with a huge smile on your face before so I just thought, but maybe you're right dad she is young, too young for you. But still she makes you smile and I'm happy because of that." she said a tear almost escaping her eye. I held her tight "I know I*urp*I'm right sweetie." I said chuckling, she gives me a light punch and headed back to the kitchen.

While I was walking towards the living room I remembered what Y/N said. "Beth? Y/N's co*urp*coming over for dinner Morty and I invited her in advance." I said peeking through the kitchen. "Thanks dad, you two know me so well." She laughs
"Also dont bother ma*urp*making desert Y/N said she's coming over with some sweets." I added while I sit down the couch. "Noted!" Beth shouted from the kitchen.

"H-Hey Rick, Y/N still h-has the stuff she p-paid f-for us didn't she?" Morty said and made me realize as too. "Oh you're r-right." I said "She'll come wi*urp*with it dont w-worry." I reassured him and went to face the tv.

Some time passes and I hear someone knocked at the door, I looked at my watch 7. I walked to open the door and saw Y/N standing by the door with a tray in hand. "Right on time." I said and gestured for her to come in. "Beth, hun Y*urp*Y/n here!" I shouted and guided Y/N to the dinning area. There sat Summer, Morty and Jerry, while Beth sets a plate filled with food in front of each seat. "Sit down." Beth says with a smile, Y/N nodded as thanks. She sits down across from me.

Y/N places the tray in the middle of the table, Jerry tries to reach for it but Y/N slaps his hand, he looks shocked. "We touch that after we enjoy Beth's delicious cooking. Thank you Beth, this smells great!" She said excited to eat. "Aw sheesh thanks Y/N."
"Well? What are you guys waiting for?" Beth and Y/N said in unison.

" I'm stuffed!" Y/N said " That was delicious! Greatest meal ever! Thank you Beth." She said again smiling.
"Oh stop that! You're making me blush." Beth said holding her cheeks and laughs."Well then Y/N why dont you do the honors." Jerry says pointing towards the tray Y/N brought with her. "Oh of course! Please dig in." She said formally then laughs taking the wrap off of the tray revealing 6 small dishes that's filled with chocolate cake. "WOW! You made souffles?!" Summer shouts and grabbed one dish we follow along her.

We all take a spoon ful of Y/N souffle as she stares at us waiting for our reaction. "Whoaa..t-that's so g-good Y/N!" Morty exclaimed then took another. "Agreed!" The others said then proceeded to chow down on the cake.

Before Y/N took a taste of her creation she looked at me realizing I hadn't touch mine. She stood up and leaned forward to me taking my spoon and took a decent amount onto the spoon. I look down at the cake and saw chocolate oozing out then look back at the smiling Y/N the spoon in hand trying to feed me.

I feel my face heat up, I leaned forward to shove the spoon in my mouth. Y/N smiles then takes the spoon out of my mouth slowly and placed it in my hand once again. Her gesture made my face burn up I looked aways noticing everybody staring at me and Y/N.

I chew the souffle in my mouth, my eyes widened, the sweet chocolate flavor exploded in my mouth giving itself a savory taste. I tasted something else, something familiar I couldn't identify it. But it was good. I looked at Y/N "This is so GOOOD!" I exclaimed and took another bite and another till it was empty.

I looked down at the dish disappointed it's all gone, Y/N noticed me and handed me hers " Here have some more, it looks like you need it more." She said laughing. "Y-you sure?" I said making sure its fine with her. What Rick? You never think twice on a decision you just take it like you dont give a fuck. The hell happened to you?

She nods laughing, I took her dish like I was grabbing candy from an elder. I chowed done once again after that I was satisfied. Everybody laugh at my actions. "Granpa Rick you were like a child taking that souffle from Y/N hand." They continued laughing I joined them realizing that I did.

After a good laugh we all stood up placing the dishes in the sink and went to the living room. Y/N stayed behind to help Beth with the dishes.

I overheard them talking about food Y/N was gonna teach Beth to make the souffle sometime.

"Why dont you sleep over Y/N?"
"Really?! Oh I'd love to! This is gonna be my first time sleeping over! This is gonna be fun!" I heard Y/N getting excited, I couldn't help myself and smiled at the thought of her sleeping over.

"Why dont you head back and get yourself ready I'll be fine washing this up my own." Beth said
" Are you sure?" Y/N replied wanting to make sure.
" Of course."
" Ok then I-i'll be back I'll bring back something that's gonna make this night a bit more fun!" She said then bolted for the door.

" You sleeping o*urp*ver?" I ask her, though I already know the answer.
"Yeah!" She smiled then headed out.


Well then we'll see what happens in the next chapter. Also thank you for the first 24 reads!! I know its a small number, but it still makes me happy knowing somebody out there is reading this. THANK YOU SO MUCHHH also byeeee~~

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