•Part 13•

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(A/N): at rehearsal. second break. in the first break, I went to the bathroom and cried from some events that happened with some "friends" earlier. did anyone notice? Nope. do I care? Nope. well, I guess I should be writing in my journal....OH WELL I DONT GIVE ONE SHIZNIPPLE!!!!!!!!!
Okay, sorry about that.... bai baes!!

About an hour later, we stopped playing the game.

"Hey....uh....um...." Aleks said directly to Tyler.

"It's Tyler"

"I knew that.... can we talk....in private"

I know this isn't going to go well...

As soon as I saw them go onto the porch, I ran to my room and opened my window so I could hear.

"Okay, so t-t-Ty- I'm *cough* not *cough* sorry, wh-"


"Okay, so Tyler."


"Let's lay down the law."

"What would that law be....?"

"I saw (y/n) first. Okay? (Y/N) is mine! So back off!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, who are YOU to say that? (Y/n) is a person. she has her own opinion and thou-"

"Just. back. off."

:::::::::::::::::DO NOT READ THE NEXT LINE UNLESS YOU HAVE SEEN/ BEEN IN SUESSICAL THE MUSICAL/ SUESSICAL JR.:::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
"I just have to say one thing: *music plays* *spotlight* *voice cracks every other letter* a PeRsOnS a PeRsOn No MaTtEr HoW sMaLl a PeRsOnS a PeRsOn No MaTtEr HoW sMaLl.
:::::::::::::::::::::::I'm very sorry; I had to do it:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


"Back. off." and with that I heard him walk inside.

Now, I'm mad. How could Aleks just call me his when I'm not even- oh wait.... the kiss. did he feel something? Ugh great. this is a mess. And because of that, he's threatening my Best friend!!!!!!!

I walked back out like nothing happened.

'If they ask where you went, tell them you were in the bathroom' I prepared my excuse over and over.


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