This Confusing Feeling

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Your POV~

        I was walking around town with Asuna the next day. Of course, I didn't tell Kirito. I looked over at Asuna to see her long chestnut hair sway in the breeze. 'She's a lot prettier than me...' I thought. 'Wait, no. Don't think like that...But it's true.' I slapped my cheeks before I could think about it. Asuna looked back at me, puzzled, but I just smiled nervously and dismissed it with a wave of my hand. "Hey, Asuna." "Hmm?" "I want to ask to ask you something..." I started. "What is it (y/n)?" Asuna asked, concerned. We went over and sat on a bench. "Could you help me find out about this thing that's been happening to me?" I asked nervously. She nodded. "Sure, explain it." I paused for a moment, trying to decide whether or not I should tell her. I wanted to know what it was so badly I took a deep breath and started. "Uh...well, when I'm near this certain person, my heart beats fast to where it feels like it's gonna explode. My hands get all clammy and it's difficult to speak. My face gets really hot and I feel something weird in my chest." I said, all in one breath. "I don't know what it is...I've never felt like this before..." I finished, looking down at the ground. When I looked up to see Asuna, she was smiling brightly at me. "D-Do you know what it is?" I asked her. She nodded, her smile growing wider. "(Y/n), you're in love." she told me.

         "L-Love?!" I asked. Asuna just smiled some more. "Yep~!" So that means...I'm in love with Kirito?! No, that couldn't happen, we're best friends...but it totally could happen. I've felt like this around him forever! I was in love with him the whole time? Wait...does he feel the same way? I felt my face grow hot as I thought about that last question. Did he? Asuna giggled. "Actually, I've had this same feeling lately." she told me. "Who with?" I questioned with new excitement. She looked over at me and said the one name I didn't want to hear. "Kazuto."

          I felt my heart die inside me. She liked Kirito too? "Really?" I said, forcing a smile with all my remaining power. 'Just a little bit more.' "You two would be a cute couple." I smiled, as the words escaped my lips, I felt a sharp pain. Asuna smiled at me happily. "Crap, I got to get back to the house. I haven't finished my homework for tomorrow!" I told her and got up from the bench. "I'll see you later Asuna! Thank you!" I said as I ran home. I needed to get away. Away from her sight. The moment she said his name, I felt something well up in my eyes. I couldn't let her see me cry.

           As I turned onto my street, all I could think was 'She would be a great match for him, more then I would at least. They're both great looking. Besides, Asuna's much prettier than me...he would never choose an ugly girl like me over her. I should just forget about it. Just give up on him.' "This stupid pain." I growled as I gripped my chest. I felt a tear trailed down my cheek. "Hi (Y/n)~!" I heard a voice call. It was his voice. More tears fell. 'Just give up.' I couldn't let him see me cry either. Definitely not him. I waved back, avoiding looking up at him and walked into the house, up into my room, and sank into the corner as painful tears forged lines down my face.

Kirito's POV~

        Why didn't (y/n) look up at me? She didn't say anything back to me. Is she mad at me?' I wondered as she walked up to the door of her house. I saw something fall to the ground. "Hunh?" I muttered. 'Probably nothing.' I thought and watched her enter through the door.

         I heard her bedroom door close but no sounds after that. I started working on the rest of my homework but I couldn't concentrate. 'Is something wrong with (y/n)? Did something happen?' I barely heard a sniff and couldn't take it anymore. I walked over to my window and looked over. I didn't see (y/n). I was sure I had heard her door close. I peeked over and looked more at her room. I saw her in the corner, knees to chest, her head down. then something caught my eye, a slight glimmer dripping from her face. '(Y/n)'s...crying?' I heard a faint sniff again and confirmed it. She was crying. "...(y/n)...?" I called out. "What's wrong?...Did something happen?" Her body shifted when she heard my voice. She was probably trying to hide from me. She got up and made her way over to the window, her face still down. "No, I'm fine." she said in a soft tone. (Y/n) let down the curtain so I couldn't see her anymore. I sighed and walked out of the house over to her door. I twisted the knob and went up the stairs, heading towards her room.

          I opened the door and found her curled up on her bed, sobbing quietly into her pillow. "(Y/n)...can you please tell me what's wrong?" I asked, concerned. "Why are you in my room...?" she questioned. I sat on the end of her bed and smiled. "Why wouldn't I be there for comfort when you're upset?" I told her. After a moment of silence, (y/n) sat up and finally looked at me. Tears were running out of her eyes as she looked into my own. "(Y/n)..." I started to reach over towards her cheek but she jerked back and stood up. "Excuse me for a moment." she muttered as she left the room. She had gone to get a tissue to wipe away her current tears. When she came back into the room, she sat as far away from me as possible, on the other side of the bed. "Now can you tell me whats wrong (y/n)?" I asked her. She was quiet for a moment so I started to move closer towards her to comfort her. But she made me still with her next words. "Why do do that Kirito? Why are you always kind to me? Comforting me in my times of need, helping me out when I'm confused, making me smile when I've had a bad day. Why?" she questioned. "Because...I care about you (y/n)." I told her. "Like that." she said then finally turned towards me and met my eyes as she said her next words. "You always say the nicest things to me but it hurts. It hurts me when you do that. I love being around you but it kills me to be near you. It's painful because...because..." Tears started streaming down her face. "Because I-" she cut herself off and looked away as she wiped her tears. "(Y/n)-" "I'm sorry. Forget I said anything...could I alone for a bit? Please Kirito..." she said. I reached a hand towards her but stopped myself. I got up and exited her bedroom.

        'It's painful because...because...Because I-' (y/n)'s words kept going through my mind. Because she what? I was thinking about this as I laid back on my bed. 'Because she...loves me?' I thought. My heart beating faster and my face growing hot. 'Could (y/n) feel the same way about me like I feel about her?' I wondered. But then there was Asuna. Why was it a hard decision? I obviously loved (y/n) but...I still felt something for Asuna. 'But still...could (y/n) feel the same way? Could (y/n) be in love with me?'

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