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Madara wanted nothing more than to kill that smug Hyuga bastard. However, he was continually reminded of the promise he made to Sen before her passing. A promise to never kill her brother. It was damn near impossible for him to keep it, but even now he could never forsake her trust. So instead, he forsook the Hidden Leaf Village and damned them all to hell.

His leaving took a heavy toll on Karasu and Yama, who had not only lost Sen, but now Madara as well. They begged to come with him and for a moment he considered bringing them; however, he knew Sen would never want them to live as rogue ninja. The clan leader severed his bonds with the boys by telling them they would only be in his way. As he left, he could feel their anger and sorrow. As strong as those same emotions were radiating through him, he was positive they could sense his as well.

Mizura had refused to give Sen a proper funeral and banned her from being buried in the Hyuga clan cemetery. Sora fought him tooth and nail against the decision; however, as a member of the newly established branch family, the younger twin had no say in the matter. Sora was branded with a seal, forever cementing his position as a servant to the main family.

An immense sadness hung over the Hyuga compound after Sen's death. Sora attacked his brother after learning he had murdered Sen; however, their mother had distraughtly pleaded for the two to stop. Upon hearing his heartbroken mother's screams of anguish, Sora bowed out of the fight but promised that one day Mizura would reap what he had sown. Lady Hyuga passed soon after this encounter, leaving only the polarized twins.

In the years that followed, all three of the boys grew up to be exceptional shinobi, just as Sen had expected. Sora knew she would be so proud of their accomplishments and he wished she was there to experience each one with them.

However, tragedy had stricken Yuudai during an S-ranked mission to the Land of Earth. Whenever the news reached Yama and Karasu, they were heartbroken; however they knew they must immediately inform Sora of his beloved student's demise. After they revealed this news to Sora, he broke down into a fit of sobs, feeling that he had finally lost any semblance of family he had ever known. Soon after, Sora left Konohagakure with permission from Nidaime Hokage. He was unsure of what was left for him in the world, but he did know that there was something out there waiting to be discovered. In the end, he found solace in writing about his experiences and became a wildly successful author.

The Uchiha boys had struggled severely after losing Sen. Karasu had frequent night terrors after the incident and during each one, Yama helped him find his footing again. As time passed and tragedies continued to occur, the boys' bond became stronger than iron. They were thankful to still have one another and prayed that nothing would ever take the other away.

They grew into strong jonin, leading their own teams and becoming integral parts of the Leaf Village. Yama became the Uchiha clan leader and head of the Konoha Police, while Karasu became chief of the Anbu Black Ops and then Tobirama's right hand upon his succession to Hokage. Karasu's main goal through his position was to facilitate peaceful negotiation and conversation between the Uchiha clan and the village. He could bear no more turmoil; he only wished for harmony.

Years passed and Konohagakure evolved. It grew into something spectacular that Karasu wished Sen could see. He hoped she would be proud of him and Yama. They had trained hard every day to honor her memory, to never let all of her hard work with them be in vain. Karasu treasured his memories with Sen above anything else in his life.

He often visited her grave and recalled the days with her. Life had been so simple then. They had all been happy. Him. Yama. Yuudai. Sora. Sen. Even perpetually brooding Madara. He longed for those sunny days once more and visiting her grave was an easy way to relive them, if only for a moment.

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