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Sen and Sora bounced through the treetops, running from Mizura. The twin was on their heels and laughing wildly as he came closer to catching them from branch to branch. Finally, Sora sent a water bomb asssisted by Sen's wind back to knock their brother off his feet. Mizura shouted in surprise before taking the bubble in his gut and falling down through the tree limbs.

He landed on his feet and shouted up, shaking his fist, "Not fair, Sora!"

The other two Hyuga clambered down to the forest floor and plopped down beside their eldest sister, who was reading a book in the grassy clearing. Mina looked up momentarily and asked what happened. Mizura wore a scowl as he muttered, "Sora and Sen are cheating again. Like usual, they team up against me."

"Nuh uh!" Sen countered, placing her hands on her hips. She stared at her brother defiantly as he rolled his eyes at her.

"Whatever, you know it's true!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is! Not!" Sen shouted back to him, stomping her foot on the ground.

The oldest boy's face was red as he huffed and puffed. He crossed his arms and haughtily scoffed, "Just you wait! One day I'll be the head of the clan, Sen!" He stopped and let a broad smile take over his face. "Then I'll make the rules and you'll have to do what I say!" he shouted playfully at her as she stuck her tongue out at him.

"If not, what will you do, Mizura?" she asked in a sing-song reply, drawing out the syllables in his name.

"I'll fight you! And I'll win!"

Sen replayed the childhood memory in her head quickly. It had been here in this spot where that argument had taken place, and now years later, they were here once more, facing off.

We'll see about that, Mizura. She thought as she swallowed any remaining trace of fear.

"You know, I've been wondering..." Mizura began speaking in his callous tone. "What is it about Tobirama Senju that makes women choose death over marrying him?"

Sen let out a guttural roar as she screamed, "Go to hell!"

With a foreboding look etched onto his face, he smirked and replied, "Oh, I very well will. Just not today."

They parried attacks back and forth. Mizura was surprised that his little sister proved to be such a challenge; however, he continued pressuring her with his lightning style and expert swordsmanship. She dodged his blade, knowing that the poison he used would be detrimental if she was struck. Her moves were fluid as she worked with her three natures, changing attacks to keep Mizura off guard.

The clan leader suddenly stopped and performed a large lightning jutsu that left Sen blinded momentarily. She closed her eyes, deactivating her Byakugan, and tried to spring up an earth shield; however, the light died down before that was necessary. She staggered back and retrained her eyes on her brother before getting ready to set up her genjutsu.

He picked up on her plan before he growled, "Do you think you'll spare some room in your heart for me after I kill you? After all, you are in love with a man who killed his own brother."

"Shut up!" she raged. Her focus had been thrown off from Mizura's words, which subsequently negated her genjutsu. She gave up on the plan and quickly weaved signs for a wind style attack before feeling a searing pain rip through her body.

"Ah!" she gasped quickly as her eyes shot down to the blade protruding from her abdomen. Blood coated the sword and she felt the metallic substance begin dripping from her lips. Her eyes were wide and her breaths began rapidly coming from her chest as she realized what had happened.

Sen quickly looked up and watched as the man in front of her disappeared in a puff of smoke. No. A shadow clone, she thought. She felt the sharp blade dig deeper into her body as the breaths of soft laughter brushed the skin of her neck. Mizura twisted the katana, which caused Sen to groan out loudly in agony.

Mizura whispered in her ear in a sadistically satisfied tone, "I never quite expected this much pleasure from taking your life, Sen. Thank you."

In a final act of defiance, she ripped her body away from the blade and fell onto her knees. Every inch of her body was begging for relief as she tried to heal herself with medical ninjutsu; however, each time the green glow began to appear, it quickly faltered. She was desperately low on chakra. Blood pooled on her stomach as she held her hands over the wound and gasped for air.

No, it can't end like this. I refuse... for it... to end... like this, she thought helplessly.

As she crumpled slowly, she heard Madara frantically screaming her name from across the battlefield.

"Madara..." she whimpered as her body limply fell to the ground.

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