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Two days later, the Uchiha came by to check on Sen and Sora. The Hyuga compound was close to the Uchiha compound, conveniently enough. Hashirama and I couldn't have planned it better, Madara thought with a chuckle.

Sora was in the courtyard doing yoga whenever Madara walked up. Sora greeted him with a wave and asked casually, "What's up, man?"

"Just decided to stop by on my way home from the Hokage office. I hope that's alright?"

Sora gave him an incredulous look. "Of course it is! Stop by anytime!"

Madara laughed. He caught a glimpse of Sen and sent a smile her way. She froze at the sight of him and then grinned and waved. Madara watched as she bounced toward him with a cheery look on her face.

"Hey there, stranger," she playfully spoke.

"You look especially chipper."

She shrugged. "Just well-rested."

Sen invited him inside for a cup of tea. While his presence was unexpected, she was grateful for it. She planned on taking advantage of this time to ask more about him and the village.



"I can tell this village means a lot to you. Why?" Sen asked him.

"It's my clan's home."

Unsatisfied with this answer, she rested her chin in her palm and watched his expressionless face. She shook her head and replied, "There's gotta be more than that. Come on, don't you trust me?"

"No, not really."

Ouch, Sen thought. Well, I guess we have only known each other for a few weeks. The way he is, I doubt he trusts his own shadow. After letting out a little huff, she was silent.

The silence hung thick until Madara broke it with a sigh before saying, "Konohagakure is Hashirama and my childhood dreams come true. We dreamed of building a village where children would never have to fight as we did."

Sen's heart tugged at his words. His typically stony exterior had softened while a smile adorned his face. That's one of his real smiles, Sen thought. For sure.

"Konoha is amazing," she whispered. A brilliant smile shone on her face as she finished, "You made something incredible happen, Madara."

"Thank you."

"No, thank you. You and Hashirama ushered in a new era for our people. There will never have to be another warrior's funeral for a child. I truly admire you," she told him. Sincerity dripped from her words while she raised her eyes from her cup to face him. He was softly smiling as his onyx eyes remained glued to Sen.

Her praise had a surprising effect on him. He was used to the swooning of clan women and the approval of the elders and his fellow clansman; however, to hear her acknowledge him made his chest swell with happiness. What is it with this woman? He thought, amused and terrified by his own emotions. How does she do this to me? Is it some genjutsu?

Sen was lost in her mind as well. Should I ask him about his past? What do I even say? What if he gets angry? He seems so happy at the moment, I would hate to ruin it. She finally gathered enough courage to ask, "May I ask another question?"

He told her that she could. She thanked him and continued, "What has your life been like?"

He looked a bit surprised at her question; however, he answered, "Turbulent. I lost two of my brothers at a young age and then lost my only reason for living, my final brother Izuna, not long ago. There was always constant fighting. Not that I minded that part, I never have, but the tragedy of war is that not all battles are won, even by the winner."

She hung onto his words, her heart aching as he revealed his secrets. She reached across the table and clasped his hand in hers. He paused and looked down at their locked hands before giving her fingers a gentle squeeze and continuing, "Hashirama has been my friend for a very long time. Whenever we first met, we kept our clan names from one another. It was easier for both of us if we never knew. However, our fathers found out and laid similar traps at our usual meeting place."

"Madara... that's terrible. I'm so sorry," she comforted him, shaking her head.

"It was a different time," he spoke. "The Senju and the Uchiha have been enemies for generations. It was one of those universal truths."

She gave his hand a big squeeze and smiled, "The things of old have passed away. Let yourself enjoy this new world, Madara."

His black-haired head bobbed silently. For you, I'll do my best, he thought helplessly.

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