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Madara was sitting on the windowsill impatiently waiting for Sen to arrive at his office. He occupied himself with thinking of how the village was going and the future of the Uchiha. Despite the success of Konohagakure overall, Madara was leery of becoming too comfortable in this new home. He saw the jeers and hard stares that other clans cast at his own members. There was mistrust and fear between the other clans and the Uchiha because of the prowess of the Sharingan.

He sighed and pushed away the paranoid thoughts as he saw Sen approaching. He jumped down from the window and landed in front of her, greeting her with a smile.

"Hi there," she chirped as she kissed him on the cheek.

He tousled her dark hair and said hello to her as well. They fell in step together, walking through the village streets and making casual conversation.

"How are you doing with everything?" he asked cautiously, hoping it wouldn't upset her. He had worried about her constantly after her father's death. It was evident how much the old man had meant to her.

Lord Hyuga's death and Mizura's subsequent rise as clan leader had culminated in a stressful few weeks for Sen. Madara had taken every opportunity he could to spend time with her; however, things had been hectic for him lately.

Sen let out a small sigh, "Some days are better than others. We all miss Father, of course, but Sora and Mina have made things easier. I'm thankful to have them around."

"There's nothing quite like the bond between siblings," Madara replied. His voice was even; however, Sen saw a bit of sadness behind his eyes.

She reached for his hand, gently gripping it and smiling at him. They walked hand in hand silently through the village. Villager's noticed the couple and looks of confusion spread across the faces of more people than not. Sen didn't care that disapproving eyes followed them, instead she pressed herself closer to Madara.

The Uchiha man's tension eased at her touch. He had been riddled with anxiety after noticing the hard looks they were receiving. The last thing he wanted was Sen distancing herself from him due to the reaction of the villagers. He felt guilty for even thinking she would abandon him, but the thought always remained in the back of Madara's mind. She was so benevolent while he was terribly damaged. It made no sense that she had chosen to befriend him, but he was thankful for her decision nonetheless.

Madara wrapped an arm around Sen's waist and lightly pecked the top of her head as they continued walking together. She giggled under her breath at his display of affection before looking up at him lovingly.

The golden hour sunlight shimmered off her pale eyes, sending a jolt through Madara's heart. He reflexively smiled in response to her and as he took in every inch of her pretty face, the rest of the world melted away. His problems disintegrated and his worries were quelled as they held eyes in the middle of the street.

I think I understand this feeling now, Madara thought in a small voice. I'm in love with her. There's no other explanation. There's no way I can deny it anymore.

"Sen," he breathed softly in her ear. "Let's go someplace more private."

Hypnotized by his warm scent and piercing dark eyes, she nodded without a second thought. They walked a short distance to the base of Hokage Mountain before walking up the face of the cliff. He held his hand out to her as they reached the top. Sen placed her small hand in Madara's before he pulled her to him, closing the space between them.

Neither spoke as Madara's hand caressed her back. She was mesmerized by the man in front of her. Her fingers gripped the fabric of his haori before she relaxed her palms on his chest.

"I..." Madara opened his mouth to speak. His words caught in his throat as her eyes bore into him. A divine smile pulled at the corner of his lips as he abandoned words for the moment being. He kissed her firmly, causing her to alltogether lose her breath. Time seemed to stand still as they fell into one another heart and soul.

As the kiss ended, Madara held her cheek gently in his palm as he spoke once again, "If I have a million lifetimes, I hope to be at your side in every last one of them."

Sen was radiant as she absorbed his words. Her heart felt like it was soaring as it pounded so loudly in her chest that she was certain he would hear. She mouthed his name under her breath, but was unable to form a coherent thought.

"I'm in love with you, Sen," he whispered after a small silence.

"I..." she stuttered before an airy laugh escaped her lips and she told him, "I love you too, Madara."

Upon hearing one another's confessions, Sen lay her head on Madara's chest. He let out a long breath and watched as the stars began sprinkling themselves in the dusky sky.

The universe danced around them in perfect silence, allowing the pair a fleeting moment of total tranquility. Madara felt completely at ease as his entire world stood in his embrace. It was then that he knew Sen was more precious to him than anything in this world.

I'll spend the rest of my life loving you, but even then I'm afraid it wouldn't be long enough. He thought as his eyes looked down to her mess of black hair. His chin rested on the top of her head and they stood in silent bliss while watching the sky's nightly performance. 

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So tender n cute

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