Dr. Venture x Reader

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Authors note
This was requested by EllieRyken
I'm very sorry for taking so long to updating(This takes place when they went looking  for the
were-odile, I believe they were looking for it also this most likely won't be similar to the episode but I tried)

Y/n was a good friend with Brock Samson and worked with him
Y/n Perspective
I was going with the Venture family and a very close friend Brock Samson me and him have worked together and I ended up staying with him with the Venture family, so I got close to the boys and Dr. Venture, though he wants me to call him Rusty. We went with a woman named Dr.Quymn and her bodyguard Ginny, Dr.Quymn mentioned something about a
Were-odile, we got to the site and everyone got thing set up me and Brock were doing shifts he took first shift, I noticed the way Dr.Quymn looked at Dr.Venture and it left a bad feeling, I hate to admit it but I have had feeling grow for Dr.Venture I doubt he could see me as someone to like or even love I was always seen as an emotionless person. I also noticed how those twins looked at Dean, it made me uncomfortable because Dean was a pure person like his brother and so instead of sleeping I kept a watch on Dr.Quymn and the twins.
Dr.Venture Perspective
I thought Dr.Quymn was very smart and pretty, but something told me otherwise I just couldn't put a finger on it, I glanced at Y/n and I couldn't read the emotion on their face so I looked back at Dr.Quymn who smiled at me, we all decided to eat well exempt Y/n they said they weren't hungry, I saw Brock walk over to them and they got up and walked away saying they were going to take watch, it was weird why was Y/n acting like this, I decided to go to sleep in my tent.
Y/n Perspective
Dr.Quymn has some guts looking at Dr.Venture when he isn't paying attention 'God what is this emotion, why do I feel so angry why she looks at him I need to clear my head with a walk' Dean and Hank than ran to my side and I looked at they "What are you two doing shouldn't you be eating and getting ready for bed?" I asked they hugged me out of no where "It's fine Mom/Dad we already ate and we wanted to comfort you" I was shocked 'Did they just call me Mom/Dad' no one has ever called me that but I guess my time with them made me a Mom/Dad figure to them, it made me happy seeing as my family didn't really care if I got into trouble or if I was gone for 2 weeks. I then walked the boys back to their tent and told them to get some sleep and if anything seemed wrong to come get me, little did I know Dr.Venture was watching and smiled to himself. As I was done taking care if the boys I decided to get a little rest of my own until I heard a voice I hated so much Dr.Quymn it sounded almost seductive as she asked Rusty to join her in her hut or whatever it was it felt as if smoke was pouring out my ears, she dragged him to her hut and slammed the door shut but before she did she glared at me then smirked, was this a game to her was she trying to push me over my limits, then Rusty ran out of the hut with only a pair of boxers on and he looked scared he came towards me but I turned around and walked away to check on the boys but Dean was gone, then I heard Dean yell for help, it was coming from the twins hut I kicked the door in threw the girls cloths at them and grabbed Dean he look scared, I brought him back to his tent and Rusty came over to me and kissed my cheek, I almost hit him, I looked at him "What do you want Rusty" he was shocked I called him that and he said "Why did you call me Rusty?" I responded with "Because first off it's your name and second off its what you are your game with the ladies is a little Rusty" he just gave a small smile, and next thing I knew he kissed me and Dr.Quymn looked pissed at me, but I didn't care and I flipped her off.
Time Skip
Y/n Perspective
It has been 3 months since the whole Were-odile thing happened, Rusty had upped his game and we have been dating since 2 months ago he really tired to impress me and now the boys are happy because they have a Mom/Dad figure.

(Okay I know this might be bad but I tried I have been writing little parts of this for at least 5 days because I didn't fully know what I was going to do but now I got it done)

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