Dean Venture x Reader

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It was a regular morning, the smell of cigarettes in the air, you see Y/n live's in a rundown place because rent was low so it wasn't the best, but it was good for now.
Y/n perspective
I woke up to the smell of cigarettes, great way to start off the day I thought, "must be the neighbors" I mumbled, I went to make some breakfast and ate it, I looked out my window, and saw a cocoon, what the hell is that I thought to myself, I got ready for work and was walking out the front door when I was meet with the ground, and everything went black.
Dean perspective
I was running away from the Monarchs henchmen, Hank ran in a different direction, so I was on my own I tried calling Brock but he was busy with Pops, great way to start a morning I thought just then I ran into something, more like someone, they had h/l, h/c hair, I started to panic when they didn't get back up, I then saw Brock, Hank, and Pops coming towards me, I then said I ran into the person that is laying on the ground. I felt guilty because I could see some blood coming from their head most likely from impact I looked at Pops and asked if we could help them.
Y/n perspective
I woke up in a weird place, my arms were strapped down to an operating table, I rolled my eyes, and grabbed my pocket knife, and cut the straps, and rubbed my wrists after they were released from my restraints. I then saw a robot walk towards the room I was in, I hid behind the door, I heard two boy voices call for something called helper, just then the robot turned around and saw me, then looked at something in the doorway, then that robot grabbed me and lead me out of the room, I was trying to get out of its grip then the boy with brownish, redish hair told the robot to let go of me, the robot did as told and then a boy with blond hair started to ask questions I just ignore it and walked away.
Dean perspective
Me and Hank were looking for helper and started to walk down the hall that lead to the person I ran into, Pops had strapped them down because they could be "dangerous", I roll my eyes just thinking about it. Then I went to the door they were in with Hank because I saw helper just then helper went behind the door and grabbed something or the someone I ran into and was dragging them out I could see them struggling, and told helper to let them go, helper did and then Hank just had to ask questions, and  they just walked away I felt my cheeks start to heat up, what's this feeling I thought, I have never felt this way before.
Y/n perspective
I was trying to find a way out of this place then I saw a really buff guy with blond hair, and was running at me I dodged his punch, I then saw the two boys from earlier, the buff guy then said "Dean help me, Hank get your father", I was a little confused what did I do that is making this guy attack me? I thought, just then I felt a sharp pain in my leg this asshole just stabbed my leg I then pulled the knife out of my leg (bad idea) I started to feel a little light headed but stood my ground. I saw a door open I then limped as fast as I could to the door and get out. I made it and pushed a button on my watch and my f/c motorcycle came, I hoped on it and drove back to my apartment and tended to my leg wound.
Dean perspective
I watch them call their motorcycle it was really cool, I saw the Brock had injured them, there was a blood trail from them and being the person I am I followed it to their apartment, and knocked on the door they opened it and I put my foot in the doorway preventing them to close the door on me, I told them I was sorry about what happened, and I could see a slight blush on their cheeks I then asked if they were okay, and just to make matters worst I said really fast that I had feelings for them, they seemed shocked but kissed my cheek it was my turn to blush, I was blushing really bad, I then calmed down and asked if they wanted to get ice cream, they giggled and said "Are you asking me on a date?" I then said "I guess I am, I'm Dean by the way" "I know you look like someone who would have that name" they responded.

(I will admit this wasn't very good but I didn't know where to take the story I will try my best to make better ones for you guys in the future)

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