Chapter 8

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~Cher's POV~

My alarm went off and I quickly shut it off before getting out of bed. I took a quick shower,and blew dry my hair and straightened it. I put on a little foundation and mascara before putting on my school uniform. I checked my phone and there was. Text from Luke 'Hey want my brother Beau to drive us to school?' I replied with 'yeah text me when your here'

I went down stairs and made toast with Nutella and quickly ate it before I got a text from Luke saying he was here. I grabbed my purse and my school bag before heading out the door. I opened the back car door and sat next to Luke. Beau was in the driver seat, and Jai was in the passenger seat, which left me and Luke in the back. Luke leaned over to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips before introducing me to Beau.

"Beau this is Cher, Cher this is Beau." Luke said while point to us as he spoke.

"Hi Beau nice to meet you!" I said with a smile.

"Hey, you too." Beau said while turning his head making eye contact with me, taking his attention off the road. "Beau watch out!" Jai screamed. Before Beau could turn around another car hit into the door closest to me t-boneing the car I heard Luke scream before my eyes went black.

I heard the faint sound of sirens I used all my energy to open my eyes, I was being lifted out of the car and put in to an ambulance. Luke was hovering over me hysterically crying. "I love you" is all I could say before my eyes became to heavy to hold open.

~Luke's POV~

We were crossing an intersection when Beau turned around. Another driver that happened to be drunk ran his red light and crashed directly into Cher door. Beau, Jai and I got out of the car trying to get Cher out. The car hit at over 60mph, and the door was caved into the car. She was unconscious. We had no option other to wait for the ambulance,cops, and fire department to get to us.

Within seconds sirens were getting louder and louder, before everyone was here. The fire department quickly got out the jaws of life and cute the door off as If it was paper. They strapped her onto a stretcher and put her into the ambulance. She opened her eyes and weakly said "I love you" i was crying before she said it but after i was even more upset. Jai and Beau had no injures, neither did I. I went in the ambulance with Cher and called her parents letting her know what happened.

We arrived at the hospital and they took Cher away and left me in the waiting room. This is all my fault I thought to myself, if I never would have asked her to come this wouldn't have happened. Thoughts fluttered through my mind. Jai and Beau walked into the waiting room and sat next to me, Beau has clearly been crying. "How is she?" Beau asked while his voice cracked, trying to hold back tears. "The doctors took her away and no one is telling me anything." I sighed.

It's been two hours already, Beau and Jai went home and that just left me alone in the waiting room. It's like a never ending waiting game. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours. Every time I saw a doctor I was hoping they would come over to tell me Cher's okay but they just walked right passed me. I started to drift off to sleep when I heard "family and friends of Cher Lloyd?" I quickly jumped out of the Cher and ran over to where the doctor was standing.

"Is she okay?" I asked praying he would say yes.

"From the position of the impact, her leg was directly hit so she broke her right leg in two different places. We put her leg in a cast and it should heal by its self as long as she doesn't walk on it or over do it. If she puts to much stress on it were gonna have to perform surgery to correct the problem."

Thank god I thought to myself. I know a broken leg is pretty bad but she could have been killed. Beaus car was totaled but I don't care as long as Cher is okay.The doctor showed me to her room and I took the seat next to her bed. She was still sleeping but who could blame her shes probably exhausted.

She looked like she was in pain, her leg was in a cast from her toes to right below her knee. There were several bruises on her face but nothing to bad. Her body to move and I could tell she was waking up. Her eyes glanced over at me and she looked scared. When she noticed her leg she started to cry.

"Shhh it's okay." I said while hugging her trying to calm her down.

"What happened?" she managed to get out in between sobs.

"We got into a car crash on our way to school, a drunk driver hit us."

"Is everyone else okay." she tensed up a bit

"Yeah everyone else is fine." after i said that she calmed down a bit.

~Authors Note~

Omg i'm sorry i haven't uploaded in like 3weeks Ive been super busy lately! Ive had gymnastics 6days a week plus school so i wasn't getting home till 6pm and i leave my house for school at 6am so i was never home! But the seasons over now so ill have more time! Plus Ive started another fanfic! I'll publish it when i write the whole thing! This story I'm just writing as i go!

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