Chapter 6

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~Cher's POV~

I woke up to the light shinning through my balcony windows, I checked the time on my phone and it was already 10:30am. I crawled out of bed and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I took out the cartoon of eggs and the frying pan. I lazily made precooked microwaveable bacon, and continued to make scrambled eggs. After I finished eating I went went back to my room and checked my phone.

1 new message from "Lukeyy"' 'Hey Cher(: do you wanna meet up later and get some lunch?'

I replied saying "Sure!" With in seconds Luke responded saying he'd pick me up at 1, which would give me a little more then 2 hours to get ready. I jumped in the shower, and washed my long brown hair. After my 45minute shower i blow dried my hair and straightened it making it pin straight. I put on a little foundation to hide away any imperfections and put on some mascara and eye liner. I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a tight fitted long sleeve shirt.

I still had 30 minutes before Luke picked me up so I went on twitter and checked my mentions. I was up to 12,ooo followers, I checked Luke's twitter and he hit 400k followers! Wow he must be a celebrity! I giggled to my self before the door bell rang. I shut my laptop and ran down stairs and my 12 your old little sister Rose opened the door, as soon as she saw Luke her jaw dropped.

"OMG YOUR LUKE BROOKS!" Rosie screamed.

"Yes I am, I'm guessing your a fan?" Luke said smiling

"Huge! Can I get a picture with you!" Rose begged Luke nodded

After the picture Luke took Rose's twitter name down and promised he'd get all the boys to follow her. How did Rose know who Luke was? What other boys. There's so many things that I don't know about Luke.

"Cher are you ready to go?" Luke asked snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yeah i am, how did Rose know who you were?" I asked I in a serious way. Luke looked at me with a confused expression.

"Wait you've never seen my brothers and mine youtube videos?" Luke gasped

"No? Maybe you can show me later." I said while shrugging

"Okay cool, wanna go to the mall and then we'll find something to eat there." Luke stated

I nodded and we walked to the train station. Luke led the way since he knew his way around better then I did. We took our seats on the train, I had the window seat and Luke and hade the seat closest to the isle. After the train started Luke whispered 'watch this' in my ear before getting up and sitting next to a random old lady and started barking. I was besides myself I couldn't stop laughing! After Luke harassed a few more people he came over and sat down next to me.

"Luke your a legend!" I said while laughing hysterically

"Haha thanks it was nothing." Luke said while winking

That's one thing I love about Luke, the fact that he doesn't care what anyone else thinks about him. He makes it look easy. After we roamed the mall for an hour we decided to go to a little Italian restaurant that was only a 10minute walk from the mall. As we were walking Luke and I's hands were intertwined. Every time I looked around I noticed girls were giving me dirty looks? I don't even understand they don't even know me so how can they judge me? I just brushed it off.

~Luke's POV~

I noticed a few fans giving Cher dirty looks, every time it happened she would tense up a little and sigh. I would squeeze her hand, and reassure her that everything's okay, but its not. We love our fans so much but sometimes they jump to conclusions to quick, and hate on basically anyone we talk to. It gets really annoying sometime. Ill be doing a twit cam later to get them to stop. I don't want them ruining me and Cher's relationship before it even starts.

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! Sorry such a long wait. I live in New York and hurricane sandy knocked out my power for 6days and I just got my wifi back today so I thought I'd write a quick chapter before I go to bed! I nearly died not having wifi for 7days! But I also had no school since last Friday and don't go back till Wednesday! Soo ill try to update a good chapter tomorrow! This chapter is kinda of terrible so I apologies for that!

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