"Then do it," said a female voice, getting the attention of Y/N, Jaune and Nora. "Uh, wha-?" Jaune asks. "Tell her what you just said, no ridiculous schemes, no pick-up lines, just.. be honest," said Pyrrha. "But, wh-?"

"Jaune, you can't get it wrong if it's the truth," said Pyrrha. Jaune looks down and looks back up with a cheer face. "Your right! Thanks Pyrrha! Good talk Y/N," said Jaune as he left the dorm room.

Pyrrha looks at the door and looks at Y/N with a sad face before walking to a chair and resting a hand on it. "Practice what you preach, Pyrrha," said Nora.

"Hey, Nora. Take care of Pyrrha for me," said Y/N as he leaves the dorm to drink. "Yes, sir!" Said Nora as she salutes.

"I need a goddamn drink, all these teen bullshit has made me cranky," said Y/N, in his old tone. "God, doing that tone of voice makes my throat hurt," said Y/N as he takes another look at his flask. "Eh, worth it," said Y/N as he glugs down the alcohol, while walking down the halls.

"You know, you shouldn't be drinking when you're a teenager," said a boy from behind Y/N, he puts his flask away and looks behind him. "Don't hide it, I already saw," said the boy, which reveals to be Mercury.

"So you're Y/N, huh?" Mercury looks at Y/N up and down. "What the hell do you mean? I kicked your ass a few days ago, how could you forget me?" Y/N asks. "No, I mean the 'Y/N' Y/N," said Mercury, Y/N flinches and goes into an intimidating posture. "Oh, did I hit a nerve?" Mercury asks.

"Look kid, if you want another beating-" Y/N was interrupted. "No no, I'm not here for a fight," said Mercury. "Then what the hell are you looking for?" Y/N asks angrily.

Mercury points at Y/N's hands, "That," said Mercury. "Oh, so you want to see it. You want to see it huh?! You can see it. Yeah, you can see it up close when it's stuck inside your forehead!" said Y/N as he pushes Mercury to the ground and marches away.

"Haha! Did you see the look on his face?" Emerald comes out of nowhere. "Learning is SO much fun!" Said Mercury.

"Fuckin' stupid kid, lump of shit," said Y/N as he pulls out a cigar and makes a spark from his claws to light it.

Meamwhile with Blake and Yang

"Yang, if you're going to tell me to stop; you might as well save your breath," said Blake as she paces back and forth in a classroom. "I'm not telling you to stop, I'm telling you to slow down," said Yang.

"We don't have the luxury to slow down," said Blake as she continues to walk. "It's not a luxury, it's a necessity," said Yang. "The necessity is stopping Torchwick," Blake replies. "And we're going to.. but first you have to sit down and hear what I have to say," said Yang. Blake reluctantly agrees and sits down in front of Yang.

"Ruby and I grew up in Patch, an island just off the coast of Vale," Yang started. "Our parents were Huntsmen, our dad taught at Signal, and our mom would take on missions around the kingdom," said Yang.

"Her name was Summer Rose, and she was like, super-mom, Baker of Cookies and Slayer of Giant Monsters! And then, one day she left for a mission.. and never came back," said Yang.

"It was tough. Ruby was all torn up, but I think she was still too young to really get what's going on, y'know?" Yang exclaimed. "And my dad just kinda.. shut down, it wasn't long before I knew why," Yang said.

"Summer wasn't the first love he lost, she was the second," said Yang. "The first.. was my mom. He wouldn't tell me everything, but I learned that the two of them had been on a team with Summer and Qrow, and that she'd left me with him just after I was born," said Yang. "No one had seen her since,"

Remnant's Wolverine (Wolverine!Male Reader x RWBY) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें