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Master Yoda indicated to the droid with a clawed hand as he introduced in his typical garbled speech, "Huyang this is, an architect droid. Teach you how to assemble a lightsaber he will." 

"A droid?" Marilyn piped up questioningly, and Astrid turned to see her looking at the droid with an unimpressed and doubtful expression. "Why don't you tell us how to assemble a lightsaber, Master Yoda?" 

Astrid couldn't help but admit that was a fair question. 

Master Yoda did not think so. 

He admonished, "Humility you must learn, Padawan. Lived a thousand years Huyang has. Taught me how to assemble my lightsaber he has." 

There was a collective intake of breath from the Padawans. 

Huyang took a clanging step forward, metal groaning with the movement, and greeted eagerly, "Padawans, I am Huyang! I will teach you how to assemble your lightsaber. Follow me." 

Huyang didn't wait for their response before he turned and disappeared from the room. Astrid jumped to her feet as the rest of the Padawans did the same around her. She gave Anakin a light shove, urging him to hurry up; he was blocking her from the walkway that ran between the rows of seats. She was stuck wedged between him and the wall. 

Anakin gave her an apologetic look and beckoned to Ida, who stood in the walkway blocking Anakin as she waited for Marilyn. 

Eventually, the Padawans filtered out of the room as Master Yoda gazed on patiently, and they all gathered in the next room over where five work benches had been assembled for them. 

Astrid was forced to go to the work bench in the back since she was the last to enter, but at least Anakin was the second to last, so he was also stuck in the back with her. Meanwhile, Maddox and Marilyn were in the front with Ida somewhere in-between the front and back. 

Huyang indicated towards a wall on the right side of the room that was filled with building supplies to construct their lightsabers, and he said, "This is where you can go to gather your lightsaber pieces. I will be here to help you locate anything, and I will, of course, help you decide which pieces to use." 

He held up a kyber crystal and said, "This will go in the center of your lightsaber. This is what creates the plasmic beam that emerges from within the hilt of your lightsaber. It is almost the Force itself, and you are the ones that will bring it alive with the Force that lives inside you. This action is what allows the crystal to produce the plasmic beam." 

Astrid nodded along sagely, drinking in all of his words. She was determined to succeed in this, too. She'd heard that some Padawans struggled to initiate their kyber crystals, and she hoped she wouldn't be like that. 

Huyang continued, "By focusing internally on the Force, you will assemble your lightsaber." He waved a hand and said, "It's best if you get started now and try for yourself. If you have any difficulties, I will help." 

When he finished talking, everyone rushed over to the wall of supplies. Astrid reached for all the basic building supplies before grabbing silver and gold plating for her hilt. 

She set them down on the work bench before lifting her hands over the supplies and closing her eyes. She zeroed her focus in on the Force, the energy that connected everything to the universe. 

Not everyone was able to connect to the Force; only the Jedi, who adhered to an order centered on selflessness and a service to justice through the Light Side of the Force, and the Sith, who desired power and strength through the Dark Side of the Force. 

The Jedi and Sith were able to harness the Force because they all had these microscopic organisms called midi-chlorians that lived in their blood. These organisms had a symbiotic relationship with the Force, allowing the host-- the Jedi and Sith-- to harness the Force. 

The Tragic Jedi  | Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now