What the hell was going on? I successfully pushed the knight back before noticing one behind me trying to strike me unnoticed however he proved unsuccessful as it was I who provided the final strike but then realised that it was pointless as he rose just like the first knight.

I was fighting two of them now and they had managed to disarm me but were still slashing their swords in an attempt to reach me. "Arthur!" Merlin's voice rang out from a few metres beside me and threw a sword allowing me another attempt to keep them at bay for a little longer. "Run Merlin!" the two knights were becoming more and more aggressive and their continuous onslaught gave me no chance to turn the tables to my advantage as each time I would win they would just come alive again.

Merlin ran past me, but I suddenly bumped into his as I was stepping backwards which irritated me. Grabbing his jacket collar, I shoved him forward "Will you do as I say!" and continued with my defence work. My knights were laying unmoving on the floor and they served honourably and bravely till the end. I was now stood by the metal gate we once entered through with all seven knights approaching me and I no doubt scared Merlin. My brain was not working, and I could not think of a way to stop these... things. But luck was on our side as the already unsteady stone walls and ceiling caved in and acted as a barrier.

Once again grabbing Merlin's collar I pushed him forward signalling for him to run and we sure did till we reached the horses. And when we reached them, we galloped for what seemed light forever in hopes of gaining some distance. There was no way we were going to reach Camelot by the end of daylight, so we decided to make camp and leave early in the morning. I was grateful for the rest no doubt about it. But my mind would not get any. What were we going to do? Would they be coming to Camelot? How could we defeat them? But one thing was for sure we needed reinforcements!

Merlin had made soup and he was also silent as he pondered his thoughts while we ate. The birds went to sleep, and the crickets rose from their beds. Their chirping sent me to sleep where I had a dreamless rest before hearing a stick crack in the woodland near us. As usual Merlin was sound asleep with not a care in the world for what was around him.

Another stick was broken, and I slowly rolled to my side grabbing my already unsheathed sword. I quietly stood up scanning the area around me before hearing it again. It was coming from the north side of the camp and so I headed that way in search of what it was. Probably just a wild animal... seeing as we had just fought immortal knights a few hours earlier it was probably better to just check.

A click sounded just behind me and I swung my sword around ready to meet with a knights blade but instead was met by a hooded woman. My blade was raised still unaware of what she wanted. "Who are you?" Her hood fell to her back revealing a woman with hair as black as the night and eyes green as emerald jewels. Her mouth twisted into a cunning smirk. "Now here I thought you'd at least have some idea of who I was... tut tut. Arthur Pendragon Prince of Camelot my name is Argona Lamia" her voice was smooth as she spoke carefully watching me and I could not help but widen my eyes in realisation. She hummed. "I knew you had some knowledge of me, poor Row as you call her wouldn't be able to cope without talking to someone, of course it would be you."

My teeth gritted together in anger as I raised my sword this was the woman who had brought such suffering on Row "You will not ever go near her again otherwise I'll-" cutting me off she laughed and then her eyes flickered to yellow as my sword was forcefully taken from my hand and thrown to the side. "I said it to her, and I'll say it to you young Prince, it is not my destiny to be her doom and downfall. I merely wish to enjoy myself there is no real damage done. But I did not come here to have a lovely chat with you about her. May I suggest you hurry along back to Camelot; you wouldn't want to waste any time... trust me."

I scoffed "Why should I trust you?" she shrugged her shoulders "If you do or do not trust me I'm not bothered at all, it doesn't affect me in any way but it may affect the ones you hold dear..." with a cloud of smoke encircling her she was gone and I was once again alone in utter astonishment. Should I do as she says? What on earth was she talking about anyway. Should I trust her after everything she has put Row through? For all I know this is just another one of her tricks. I suppose we could head out now it was early hours of the morning for sure, but we had to get home anyway today to inform my father of Idirsholas.

Walking back to camp I shoved merlin awake to wake him up. "Five more minutes...." Grabbing a hold of his arm I pulled him up "No now!" when I let go, he nearly fell over but caught himself. We put out the fire and packed our blankets and other items into our saddle bags before setting off for Camelot.

We had been riding out for an about an hour now and Merlin finally spoke up still groggy clearly. "Why are we up so early?" I turned around to face him his head was practically using his horse' mane as a pillow. "You're acting like a five-year-old child Merlin, we are up because I said so". He sighed and I knew he was about to give me some form of backchat, clearly, he is like a child in more than one way. "There is always a reason with you and plus you're in a bigger mood than normal".

I shook my head in disbelief, if my father saw how Merlin talked to me, it would be safe to say that he would no longer be in the royal household. "You know we need to return to get reinforcements, we've rested to long. The more time we waste the more time they have to get to Camelot! But.... I did meet Argona Lamia" I said blankly still not over the encounter. His horse sped up so that he was next to me and his eyes were wide. "You met the sorceress that cursed Row?!" I nodded. "What did she say to you?" We were still next to one another on our horses as I told him of the ordeal. He nodded in agreeance that it was best to make haste to Camelot.

We cantered the whole way back anxious to tell my father the news and to call upon the army of Camelot to prepare for battle against the immortal knights. Finally, the castle turrets were in view and we galloped the remainder of the way but I couldn't help but notice the deafening silence that hung over the valley. Usually you could hear the bustling noise of the villagers in the market from miles away.

We continued at full speed until we arrived at the gatehouse where we had to come to a very quick stop. The sentries posted on the main entrance gate were laying on the floor unmoving. Dismounting my horse, I ran towards the first man in my path sighing when I saw the rising and falling of his chest. My eyes lifted to find Merlin with the other guard who was a metre or so in front, but my eyes landed on the usual busy streets only to find the villagers and other guards in the same position.

What was going on? My mind flashed to my father and Row and my feet didn't stop until I reached the citadel.

BBC Merlin Fanfic Book 2 - Fearless (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now