Chapter 14

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Row's POV

Morgause led Arthur down an ivy-covered hallway. It would seem we were going into the inhabited section of the castle as the cold winds touch was no longer reaching me. Instead the halls were lit by candles with the stone tiles covered with carpet.

We were all walking in a line following this woman to who knows where till we abruptly stopped causing me to bump into Arthur from not looking where I was going. Peaking my head around I noticed an open archway, its heavy doors revealing what seemed to be a courtyard outside.

"Before we go any farther, we must separate. This is Arthurs wish which means Row cannot enter. Hers waits elsewhere." What was she talking about? I hadn't even spoken to her yet. Walking past Arthur, she now stood in front of me. The fact that he and Merlin were beside me didn't help ease my nerves in the slightest. "Do you wish to know the source of your nightmares?" Could this really be my chance? Could she give me answers? "Yes, more than I can describe." She nodded and pointed to the staircase tucked away in the middle of the hallway.

"Your answers lie up those stairs, but I cannot go with you. You must face this by yourself." Merlin fidgeted and took a hold of my wrist. "I don't like this Row..." his eyes quickly looked up to the woman in between us. "It's ok Merlin, I'll be just fine you need to go with Arthur". I looked back to the woman in the crimson dress who took a step to the side allowing me to pass. I took a few steps feeling all of them watching me go. "Be careful Row" turning around one more time to see the young prince who was fiddling with the swords handle on his belt. "I will be" I smiled before walking to the stairs.

The staircase was dark and was twisting in a spiral. Just my luck I thought. My shoe touched the first step and with that one simple touch the torches hanging from the walls all lit up emitting a golden glow. Just one step at a time, one step at a time I thought. She didn't even tell me what I was meant to be looking for. Just head up the gloomy staircase. This would be a great moment to appreciate that this was all very suspicious maybe I should turn back? Before I could even put that thought into action I noticed I had reached the last step already and was stood in an identical hallway to the one downstairs.

However, instead of the courtyard which would have been in front of where I stood. The large archway had double doors shut tight. The left and right hallway seemed to be endless leading to who knows where. Much like the staircase it was dark, very hard to make out anything until a light glow started to shine through the edges of the double doors. Without even thinking my feet moved for me, again I felt like I was in a trance much like downstairs with Morgause.

The feeling of curiosity, longing and desperation set into my body. Answers... at long last. Nothing else mattered. I was finally here. Reaching for the handle I pushed the heavy wooden door open with as much force as I could. As quickly as it came the light disappeared from the room. Strange? Another step forward allowed me to see what seemed to be used as throne room in many years' past. At the very end of the grand room stood two thrones with a large banner behind it. Gosh I really should read those history books in the library. Who were they? The sunny day had quickly changed to grey dark clouds that much was evident through the large glass windows allowing the what shimmering light it could to reach inside the once mighty room.

The light left in the sky almost seemed to have created a path toward the thrones for me to follow. Everything was so quiet, it was strange to imagine that this was once a room filled with people who came to appeal to the king, who came to celebrate and some to seek refuge. Upon getting closer it was clear to see the thrones hadn't had their share of use in a long time. Dust had become their blanket along with the cobwebs. Placing a hand on top of one of the chairs I took a deep breath in and sighed. "What now?" I muttered.

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