Chapter 12

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Arthur's POV

We had ridden out to the outskirts of Camelot within 2 days and had settled down for the night. Merlin and I took turns to watch allowing Row the chance to get some much-needed rest.

It was a peaceful night with nothing to report. I was hoping it would be the same once we reached wherever it was that we were supposed to be heading. Merlin had taken the first watch. We were keeping an eye out for not only bandits but my father's guards. If he hadn't noticed my absence by now, he certainly would soon as well as Rows. I knew nothing of this Morgause she was right, but I had to get answers for my sake as well as her own.

Dawn was approaching as the sky began to get lighter with an orange hue on the horizon signalling, we must get ready to leave soon. I sighed placing both my hands on my knees whilst standing up. With one last scan around the area I picked up my sort from its place in the ground and turned around to walk back to our main camp area as the first rays of the sun hit my back.

Merlin was laying on his back clutching his supply bag on his chest with row opposite him laying on her side her head on one arm and the other under her chin. She seemed peaceful which was a good sign. I began lighting a quick fire to get it going for Merlin to make us breakfast. While doing this I noticed Row fidgeting thinking she was awake I said good morning but didn't get an answer. It was then that she began muttering and her breathing increased.

Rushing over I began shaking her gently trying to wake her up from the nightmare. "Row, its ok, wake up!" I shook her a little more harshly this time which must have helped as she sat up quickly eyes wide gripping onto my wrists with both hands.

Her eyes wondered around the camp taking in her surroundings before signing and calming her breaths down. "I'm ok, I'm sorry if I disturbed you". She looked down to her hands before releasing her grip she quickly removed them however I brought her into an embrace rubbing her back up and down. At first, she was rigid but soon relaxed as she squeezed my arm, I pulled back to look into her bright orbs. "Thank you." I nodded before getting back up and reaching a hand down to her.

The fire was burning nicely but released Merlin wasn't up. I turned towards Row with a devilish smirk as we both took this opportunity head on. I'll grab the pot and spoon you up for grabbing some water Arthur?" I quietly laughed and agreed.

Heading towards my horse I grabbed the flask I had tied to the saddle shaking it to double check I has some left. Which with great luck I had over half full... unlucky for Merlin.

Row had already retrieved her items and was waiting by the fire for me. She was trying hard to burst out laughing as Merlin was now snoring. She walked to his right side while stood on his left. We looked towards each other mouthing a countdown 3...2...1 the sound of her hitting the pot with the spoon ruined the peaceful area we had camped and had specifically ruined Merlin's peaceful sleep. As he sat up eyes wide, I began pouring the water on top of his head.

She leant down her hanging down to her one side. "Good morning Merlin!" she said cheerily.

"What is wrong with the both of you!!" she shook her head throwing the items in her hand behind her and then crossing her arms. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Merlin squinted at her before leaping up and tickling her. Her screams and fits of laughter brought a smile to my face before I stepped in. "Now, now Merlin I cannot possibly allow you to do that to the Lady Rosa!" and without any hesitation I threw him over my shoulder and picked Row up in my arms and running away. "By the time we are back I expect some breakfast!"

I had slowed down to a walk and decided to just walk a full circle around the camp perimeter and then return to the fire. "You can put me down now Arthur." Her legs swung as a walked while her hand was loosely around my neck. "Perhaps I don't want to put you down." I smiled down at her.

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