Chapter 15

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This chapter should have been out yesterday sorry!!!

Arthurs POV:

"Be careful Row!" watching her go alone didn't sit well with me I wish Merlin would just go with her. "I will be" she replied and turned the corner heading up the staircase Morgause pointed out moments ago.

The woman in red turned to face me once again. "Are you ready?" I nodded and she signalled us to follow her into the candle lit courtyard. Merlin and I stood in the centre by a stone table.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Merlin asked and I turned my head to the side facing him. "If you were granted the same opportunity would you not want to meet your father?" he paused for a moment taking in what I said. "Uther won't forgive you if he finds out you collaborated with a sorcerer."

"What if my fathers' attitude to magic is wrong?" it made sense that it was wrong. "You really think that?" Merlin seemed shocked. Of course, he would be seeing as I'm expected to follow my father's ways. "Perhaps its not as simple as he'd have us believe? Morgause is a sorceress and she has caused us no harm. Surely not everyone who practices magic can be evil?" Morgause moved to light a few more candles with her back turned to us. "We don't even know why she's doing this!" he questioned.

Before Merlin and I could carry on the lady herself turned around. "It is time" before proceeding to blow out the flame on the wooden splint. Her hand extended towards me and I shifted in my spot. This was it. I was finally going to see my mother. Would she be proud of me? Would she be angry? These questions ran through my head until I was beside the sorceress. "Close your eyes" she spoke. And with a deep breath in I did as she had said.

Before I knew it she began speaking in an ancient tongue while her hand was on my back. The wind began to howl, and the leaves rustled in response before silence returned. Her hand was off my shoulder blade and I heard her walk away. My eyes remaining closed.

"Arthur!" A woman's voice echoed. I opened my eyes slowly nervous as to what I would see. A pale woman with light blonde hair tied up on her head stood before me in a beige dress with gems all over. "Arthur!"

"Mother?" her lips grew into a smile as I called for her. "My son!" she quickly walked towards me and I met her in the middle embracing her. She gripped on to my arm with the other hand on my head bringing me closer. It was really her? "When I last held you, you were a tiny baby" blinking away my tears at the mere thought of it.

She pulled back looking up to my face still with that angelic smile. "I remember your eyes; they were staring up at me. Those few seconds I held you with were the most precious of my life!" her hand planted itself on my cheek. "I'm so sorry" I choked.

"You have nothing to be sorry for!" but I did. "It was my birth that caused you to die" a tear escaped my eye and she brushed it away. "You are not to blame." Shaking my head "I cannot bare the thought that you died because of me!"

She embraced me once again her hand brushing through my hair. "Do not think that! It is your father who should carry the guilt for what happened." My father? "What do you mean?" I felt the sigh that left her mouth brush against my neck. "It's not important, what matters is that you lived." Her sentence was heavy in sadness. "Why should my father feel guilty?"

"It is better leaving it in the past." We both pulled away and I noticed her eyes dart to the floor. "You cannot leave me with more questions. Please?" Seemingly not being able to look me in the eye she waited a few seconds before speaking once again. "Your father...he was desperate for an heir, without a son the Pendragon dynasty would come to an end. But I could not conceive". I could see she felt ashamed as her eyes still didn't meet mine. But that didn't make any sense? "So how was I born?" seconds felt like minutes as she kept quiet. "Please... tell me."

BBC Merlin Fanfic Book 2 - Fearless (DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن