23 | Debbie Downers

Start from the beginning

"I don't care. That's their problem to sort out," Steph says, dismissing the topic.
"So what's going on with you? Any progress with Keeley?"

Brody grins at the mention of her name.

Steph smiles. "If the grin on your face is anything to go by, there is progress - a good one. So spill," she squeals.

"I told her how I felt yesterday and she feels the same way. She said she wanted to tell me but she didn't wanna ruin our friendship. She didn't think I'll ever think of her in that way," Brody tells her with a dreamy look on his face.

"Aha!" Steph exclaims and points her index finger at the screen. "What did I tell you? Are you guys dating now?"

"Yeah. She's my GIRLFRIEND." He emphasizes with a grin.

"I didn't expect you to tell her so quick, to be honest. I was thinking you'll wait for a month or something."

"True but I'm glad I didn't," Brody answers truthfully.

A car honks before she can say anything else. Steph knows that sound but she still rushes to her window and looks out. She sees Brooke's car pulling into their driveway.

"Oh my! Brooke's here and I'm not ready yet!" She exclaims, her eyes slightly wide.

"You have to go? I'm sorry," Brody says.

"What for?"

"You're not ready because of me," he replies.

Steph shakes her head with a smile. "Silly you. We'll talk later okay?"

"Yeah sure. Have fun," he says and ends the call.

Stephanie drops her phone and hurries to the closet. She chooses what to wear and gets dressed. Five minutes later, she's hurrying out of the house to Brooke's car.

"Bye mum. Bye dad," she yells and shuts the door behind her.


Brooke parks her car in the parking lot and they both get out.

"Where are we meeting them?" Steph asks.

"At the front," Brooke replies and leads the way. As expected, they meet up with Luke and Cole at the front, both of them looking as gorgeous as always. Brooke grins and hugs Cole who is smiling. "Hey."

"Hey," Steph says to Luke awkwardly and he replies.
She begins to think of how bad an idea this is. Cole and Brooke will probably be acting all lovey dovey all day and she and Luke would just watch. It'll be awkward.

They head into the amusement park after paying for tickets.

"What should we do first?" Brooke asks from Steph's right side.
Stephanie and Brooke are in between the boys. Luke to the left of Steph and Cole to Brooke's right.

"The rollercoaster," Steph suggests.
The guys shrug and they all head for the ride.

The ride starts out slow at first and when it picks up, Brooke begins to scream with burgeoning excitement. Steph giggles in excitement, happy she agreed to come.
Cole eyes widen as the velocity increases and eventually, it feels like his breakfast would soon come out of his mouth.  Luke is just being his cool self with a smile. He notices the look on Cole's face and bursts into laughter.

"This is so cool," Brooke shouts, the wind blowing her long brown hair back.

"Yeah," Steph chuckles.

After the ride, Steph and Brooke also notice the look on Cole's face.

"Are you okay?" Steph asks in concern, beating Brooke to it.

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