"Enough whining, Potter? I thought you would never stop." Draco drawled.

"What have you got there, Malfoy?" Harry asked, paying no attention to Draco's taunts. He had enough bad news for one day and wasn't feeling up for his old nemesis's jokes.

"I found something. Here." Draco said, thrusting the scrolls on Harry's desk.

Harry picked them up one by one, looking over them quickly. His eyes were widening with each scroll and by the time he had finished, his mouth was hanging open slightly.

"Where did you find these?" he asked in a baffled tone.

"Found them hidden in a Death Eaters' hiding place in Scotland. Wasn't easy to find them and they were even more difficult to retrieve. Someone had placed powerful curses to protect these. I had Theo come and help me with the curse breaking and we were lucky to escape when a patrol came snooping around the area."

Harry looked up and watched Draco attentively. Just then he noticed the scratch marks and bruises Draco had across his face and arms. His once perfect clothes were slightly thorn here and there, and his hair was a dirty mess. But what stroke Harry the most was how his pale pace glowed. He looked almost happy.

"Malfoy, are you sure these can be trusted?" Harry asked slowly. "Don't get me wrong, I could wish for nothing else than for this to be right, but if they aren't and we go for it..."

"I checked them myself dozens of times." Draco breathed out, waving a hand dismissively. "They are genuine. And that name, the one who keeps popping up in each scroll, I've seen that name before."

Harry frowned and looked down at the scrolls.

"Argus Pyrites." he read quietly.

"Exactly!" Draco said enthusiastically, going around the desk and stopping on Harry's left side. "At first it didn't say anything, just another name amongst all these others, but I suddenly remembered something. When I was young, I used to spend a lot of time in the library at home." Draco stopped, seeing the look of astonishment Harry was giving him. "Yes, Potter, the Manor had a library with other type of books besides on how to curse muggle-borns. And for your information, I quite enjoyed reading them." Draco snarled, then continued. "Among the books there, I remember reading one entitled Alchemy, Ancient Art and Science."

"Don't tell me, you fancied a light reading and you just happened to find that one?" Harry said mockingly, looking over his shoulder at Draco.

He saw a delicate shade of pink rising onto Draco's cheeks and he snickered.

Hermione and Draco are so similar. I wonder if they even realize just how much they are alike. Harry pondered to himself.

"Why is this book so special?" Harry asked quickly, before Draco could retort.

"Because, Potter, this book happens to be written by none other than Argus Pyrites." Draco finished with a satisfied smirk.

"Blimey!" Harry whispered, looking back down at the scrolls.

Indeed the name Argus Pyrites kept appearing all over the parchments, being related to all sorts of weird spells and potions. For a second he wondered if Hermione had heard of this book or its author. She was after all the most well-read person he had known. There was also Draco apparently.

"That's not all, Potter." Draco continued, arousing Harry from his thoughts. "This guy, this Argus Pyrites" he hesitated for a second then said in a serious voice "his son had been a Death Eater in Voldemort's service."

"WHAT?!" Harry shouted for the second time that day.

"Yes." Draco continued quietly, a deep crease appearing on his forehead. "Apparently his family fought for Voldemort during the First Wizarding War and joined him again when he came to power fourteen years later. I couldn't find much reference about the rest of his family, but what I could find out is that Pyrites was a loyal servant of Voldemort. He was quite the eccentric character, wearing white silk gloves and leaving them stained with red blood for effect. He also used to wear flashy robes, making him look like a dandy but he was known for his cruelty, and because of his mysterious parentage, the other Death Eaters didn't bother with him much."

"How do you know all this?" Harry asked, his eyes growing wide in amazement.

"As soon as I remembered the title of the book and the author's name I went to the only person I knew who could give me answers."

"Who?" Harry asked, although he suddenly figured out the answer himself. Sure enough, a second later Draco gave him the confirmation.

"My father." Draco said curtly.

"Did he know this Pyrites guy?"

"Not personally." Draco shook his head. "He only saw him once," Draco hesitated for a second "that day your parents..."

Draco heard Harry take a deep breath of air, his fists clenching on the desk. They looked each other in the eye and Harry urged Draco to continue. The blonde nodded and continued to speak.

"It appeared as though Voldemort wanted him to remain hidden and only gave him certain missions. Perhaps because he was related to the notorious Alchemist or for some other reason, Voldemort never told his followers about him, only those at the very top."

"Like your father and probably Bellatrix?" Harry asked, spatting the witch's name with disgust.

"Yes, I'm sure my aunt knew about him as well, but like I said, they never really bothered with him."

"What happened with him?"

"No one really knows. That's the really intriguing and annoying part of it." Draco let out a frustrated sigh. "No one has really seen him ever since that Halloween night, not even during the Second Wizarding War. It is as if he disappeared from the face of the earth. And the book at the Manor... disappeared as well. It's not there anymore. I went to look for it and... it's gone."

"Could it be your family sold it or gave it away?" Harry said tentatively.

"Not likely. Malfoys don't sell their property just like that and a book so old and of such value..."

"Value?" Harry asked, his looks puzzled.

"The book was the original one, Potter." Draco said exasperatedly. "It had the author's signature and motto engraved on it."

"Argus Pyrites's?"

Draco nodded in response and pointed at one of the scrolls. In one corner, three words were scribbled in red ink.

Truth will out!

Thank you for reading this story! I hope you found the information Draco had intriguing and made you curious about what will happen. Stay tuned for the next chapters! Until then, have a wonderful day! ^_^ <3

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