Chapter Eighteen: Oovoo and Lunch Visits

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A/N: McKenna Gardner is being played by Ciara Bravo

Dying Inside:

Chapter 18:

Annalise's POV:

After eating my horrible hospital dinner, I turned on my laptop and logged onto my Twitter. When I got to my profile, I saw all of the feel better and praying for you tweets and smiled.

@AnnaBanana-Gardner: thanks for all of the love. I'm doing great for now 😘

I tweeted and logged onto my Oovoo account. I saw my friends were online so I plugged my headphones and put them in. "Hey you guys." I smiled when I saw Zoe, Delaney, and Scotland on the screen. "Anna!" They yelled, making me jump. "Guys, I'm right here." I giggled. "Sorry, I just haven't seen you in forever. That's way too long not seeing you." Zoe smiled. "I miss you guys too. It sucks being here." I sighed and ran my fingers through your hair. "We asked Mr. Dillard if we could bring you your homework and cards during lunch tomorrow." Scotland said. "And..?" "He said it was fine." I smiled. "that's great!" I heard the door open to see my nurse. "I got to go, the nurse came for my treatment." I said to them. "Bye babe!" They waved before I ended the conversation.

I woke up to the sound of the local news playing on the tv. I groaned at the bright light as my eyes got situated to its surroundings. I looked to my left to see McKenna laying on the couch, still asleep. "Ken." I whispered, trying to wake her but she still was out. I sighed and grabbed one of the teddy bears someone brought me and tossed it at her. "Stop." She mumbled before looking at me. "Good morning." I smiled as she sat up. "Morning." She yawned and ran her fingers through her hair. "How are you here? I didn't think they would let you spend the night because it's the ICU." I said to her as she got up. "Mom got a special pass because I'm over ten I get to spend the night but I probably won't tonight." She grabbed her clothes and her small cosmetic bag. "Where's mom anyway?" I asked her. "She took Carlee to her dialysis treatment." I nodded as she walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Leaving me alone in the silent room, I grabbed the TV remote and turned the tv to a rerun of Adventure Time. I love this cartoon and it's great that this hospital has it. I grabbed my phone and went on my Twitter app.

@AnnaBanana-Gardner: good morning Twitter☀️

I slid through my mentions and looked through the ones to reply to.

@flowercrownhippies: I love watching @AnnaBanana-Gardner videos. She's so pretty ❤️
^@AnnaBanana-Gardner: thanks @flowercrownhippies ps. your name is amazing🌸

@summertimelove: @AnnaBanana-Gardner you're such an inspiration
^@AnnaBanana-Gardner: @summertimelove thanks bby 😘

I love replying to fans, everything that they say makes me feel warm inside. The bathroom door opened and I saw McKenna come out wearing a gray Pink Floyd sweatshirt and blue jean shorts. "Did mom tell you when she was coming back?" I asked as she applied her eyeliner. "I think she said around 7:30." McKenna put her things back in her bag and slipped on her black Vans. "Did they ever tell you when you're getting out?" She asked, clicking her mouth and rolling her arms. I shrugged. "It's going to be a few days until I get out of the ICU before I can get a normal hospital room." She sighed and sat on the couch. "It's so boring at home without you. Travis babysits us while moms here with you. He isn't as fun as you and mom." She looked at me, her brown eyes watering. "Ken..." I frowned and got up carefully. She watched and wiped her eyes as I hugged her tightly. "I'm going to get better as soon as you know it. I need you to smile and be happy. Be happy for me and mama and Travis and Carls. Show me how happy you can be." I said to her. She sniffed and nodded. "I'll try." The door opened and mom and Carlee walked in. "Hey Carls." I smiled as she ran to me. "Anna!" She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. "How have you been?" I asked her as she sat on my lap. "Fine, I got the lead in our school play." She said proudly. "Really?" I smiled. "What play is it?" "It's Wizard of Oz. I'm playing Dorothy." I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I'm proud of you." She smiled. "Alright, you two. It's time to go. Anna has to eat breakfast." She said to them as the nurse came in. Carlee and McKenna hugged me and grabbed their bags. "Bye. See you after school." I waved as they waved back and walked out. "They love you a lot." The nurse said to me, fixing my table so she could sit my tray down. "Yeah, I love my sisters even though they're pains."

I mixed up my salad and put some in my mouth. My salad has spinach, carrots, cherry tomatoes, and cucumbers with Caesar dressing. I also had a BBQ chicken flatbread and a cup of lemonade. the door opened and I looked up to see my mom, Zoe, Scotland, and Delaney. "Hey!" I smiled and got up. They ran to me and hugged me tightly. "I missed you so much!" Zoe said before pulling away. "I missed you guys too." I smiled and sat on my bed. "Welcome to my humble abode." I joked and they laughed. "It's a really nice room." Scotland looked around. "Yeah, this hospital always has the nicest rooms. This is the ICU so I can't wait to see how the normal rooms are." "How long do you have to stay in here?" Zoe asked. "For a few more days, they're going to take out my tubes tomorrow." I said and she nodded. "How's the team been?" I asked Zoe as she smiled. "It's so upsetting without you. Coach was so upset when she found out that you're going to be out. We actually got you something." She handed me a dark brown basket with plastic wrap around it. "Wow." I smiled and opened it. Inside the basket was a home Arsenal jersey, a pack of soccer socks, a soccer blanket, a box of my favorite granola bars, and a bar of dark chocolate. "This is so sweet." I smiled and read the card that was tucked inside. "Yeah, coach really wanted to make you feel better. Next week we're going to play a game that will raise money for you and the Cystic Fibrosis foundation." I looked at her. "Really?" I smiled. "Yeah, at school they're also going to do a whole week of raising money. It's going to be like sprit week. They're going to have pickup games, a dance party, bake sale, they also said they might find someone to do a concert." Delaney said. "That's really great. They would raise a ton of money." I smiled. It's great what school is doing for the Cystic Fibrosis foundation. It's going to help many people that are in the same boat as me or worse.

A/N: Anna's school is going to help a lot of people with Cystic Fibrosis. What should they do to help?

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