42- finally

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there was no way to describe how tense mark was, waiting in that airport for youngjae and his passport. not only that, but minhee wouldn't stop trying to apologize, the boy could barely go a minute without the word "sorry" passing his lips, and mark was growing more and more frustrated.

it was busy in the airport, and painfully hot- the kind of warmth that left you sweaty simply from standing still. smothering.

that, along with the stress of waiting for youngjae and minhee's whiny voice, and mark had never felt worse.

"minhee." he said, after what felt the boy's hundredth apology, "i get it, you're sorry."

"yeah... but.. you haven't exactly... forgiven me." jesus, minhee's voice was annoying, and mark couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"and i'm not going to, so just be quiet."

minhee went to protest, eyes bulging in that whiny sort of way, but mark was quick to shut him down with a glare and a "shh", and sure, he felt like a horrible person... but it seemed to do the trick.

for a while at least.

10 minutes passed, maybe less. youngjae still hadn't turned up, the flight was boarding in 30 minutes and once again, minhee opened his mouth.

"can you just.. take a minute to hear things from my perspective?!"

mark reeled on him, all the pent up anger and sadness he had desperately been suppressing suddenly spilling out, "you fucked my boyfriend!! why the FUCK would i care about your perspective?!"

shocked by mark's outburst, when really, he should've seen it coming, minhee took a while to respond, "because i'm sorry? and i was drunk?"

"i don't care man, just shut the fuck up."

mark hated playing the villain, he really did, but he really couldn't bare the thought of ever saying he could forgive minhee, of putting the cheating behind him- even if the boy genuinely looked sorry.

there was no way to take away the heartbreak, and the tears, and the hopelessness, and the nights and nights of endless sobbing. "sorry" couldn't return the months mark had lost to a whispering sadness that never truly left him, that he was sure would stay with him forever, even after meeting jinyoung.

and jinyoung had made things better, much better. perhaps with a few more months with jinyoung, mark could think about beginning to forgive minhee. for now though, mark just couldn't find it in his heart to say the words "i forgive you."

minhee looked torn up, which only made mark feel worse, he looked down at the floor with a dejected sigh, and mark swore he had never wanted to see youngjae more, which was a weird, ugly kind of feeling.

the clock kept ticking, and still the large automatic doors hadn't slid open to reveal youngjae's face.

a minute passed.
and another.

minhee called youngjae, but it just rung to voicemail.

the plan boarded in 20 minutes, mark was getting worried.


more time passed.


with each second, mark felt his hopes slip further and further away, even minhee was looking concerned.


15 minutes until the gates closed.



mark's head whipped around at the sound and minhee's voice, and there youngjae was, windswept and sweaty- a passport, a phone and a wallet in his hands, his face twisting in a grim, worried smile.

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